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Journal of Software
2000 Issue 1
Hybrid Systems in XYZ/E
YAN An;TANG Zhi-song
Combining OO and Functional Language Concepts
QIAN Zhen-yu;Besma Abd Moulah
A High Diamond Theorem
Li Ang-sheng;Yang Dong-ping
Distributed Multimedia Database Systems
GONG Zhi-guo;ZHOU Long-xiang;DONG Shu-zhen
Computing the Parameters of Points on Nurbs Curves and Surfaces via Moving Affine Frame Method
HU Shi-min;SUN Jia-guang;HU Shi-min;JIN Tong-guang;WANG Guo-zhao
Describing Services on an Internet Marketplace Using Extensible Markup Language
ZHOU Xiao-bo;DU Peng;CHEN Gui-hai;CHEN Dao-xu;XIE Li
Extracting Semi-Structured Information from the WEB
HUANG Yuq-ing;QI Guang-zhi;ZHANG Fu-yan
Active Network on Mobile Agents
ZENG Xiao-ping;SUN Yong-qiang;XIE Jian-hua
Research on Automatic Fuzzy Rule Acquisition Based on Genetic Algorithms
Anti-Unification Algorithm Based on Multi-Pattern
XU Xi-chun;HU Yun-fa;SHI Bai-le
Predicting Allocation Algorithm in Distributed Real-Time Systems
XU Jian-feng;ZHU Qing-bo;HU Ning;XIE Li
On Refinement of Model Structure for Stochastic Petri Nets
LIN Chuang
A Shape-Based Image Information Retrieval Method
LIU Ji-min;SHI Zhong-zhi
A Proof Assistant for Interval Logics
HU Cheng-jun;WANG Ji;CHEN Huo-wang
Design and Implementation of a Virtual Internet Server
ZHANG Wen-song;WU Ting-ting;JIN Shi-yao;WU Quan-yuan
Eliminate Redundant Loop-Carried Flow Dependences for VLIW Architectures
RONG Hong-bo;TANG Zhi-zhong
A New Graph Drawing Algorithm for Undirected Graphs
HUANG Jing-wei;KANG Li-shan;CHEN Yu-ping