Investigation on Electroluminescence of ZnO Nanorods
ZHAI Ying;RUAN Yong-feng;ZHANG Ling-cui;LIU Ya-li;QIU Chun-xia;School of Science;Tianjin University;School of Materials Science and Engineering;Qilu University and Technology;Key Laboratory of Semiconductor Materials Science;Institute of Semiconductors;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Yantai Shield Advanced Materials Co.;Ltd.;
Growth of GaSb/GaAs Heterojunction Thermal Photovoltaic Cells by MBE
HAO Rui-ting;GUO Jie;LIU Ying;MIAO Yan-mei;XU Ying-qiang;Key Laboratory of Renewable Energy Advanced Materials and Manufacturing Technology;Ministry of Education;Institute of Solar Energy;Yunnan Normal University;State Key Laboratory for Superlattices and Microstructures;Institute of Semiconductors;Chinese Academy of Sciences;
Research Progress of Magnonic Crystal
GUO Yue;WAN Yong;JIA Ming-hui;XIN Xing;College of Physics;Qingdao University;Key Laboratory of Photonics Materials and Technology in Universities of Shandong;
Photophysical Properties and Electronic Structure of Sr2Si5N8:Eu2+
SHEN Tian-yu;WU Yi;SHEN Yu-fang;ZOU Zheng-guang;LONG Fei;ZHANG Zhi-jun;Key Lab of New Processing Technology for Nonferrcus Metals and Materials Minstry of Education;Guilin University of Technology;Guangxi Mining and Metallurgy and Environmental Science Laboratory Center;Shanghai Institute of Ceramics;Chinese Academy of Sciences;
Synthesis and Surface Functional Modification of Zinc Oxide Nanoparticles
HU Jiang;WANG Ming;CAO Xue-li;College of Materials Science and Engineering;Guilin University of Technology;Key Laboratory of New Processing Technology for Nonferrous Metals and Materials;Ministry of Education;Guilin University of Technology;College of Science;Guilin University of Technology;
Study on Broad Pass-band and Wide Rejection Band of Band-pass Filters
ZHU Hua-xin;WANG Tong-tong;GAO Jin-song;LIU Gui-lin;LI Shuai;School of Science;Jiangnan University;Key Laboratory of Optical System Advanced Manufacturing Technology;Changchun Institute of Optics;Fine Mechanics and Physics;Chinese Academy of Science;School of Internet of Things Engineering;Jiangnan University;