Analysis of Design Parameters of Anchorage Device for Heavy Load FRP Cable
JING Guo-qiang;FAN Jian-ping;PAN Dong-fa;WANG Bo;China Railway Major Bridge Engineering Group Co.;Ltd.;State Key Laboratory for Health and Safety of Bridge Structures;School of Civil Engineering and Mechanics;Huazhong University of Science and Technology;
Evaluation of Measurement Methods for Tension of Parallel Steel Strand Stay Cables
ZHANG Zhuo-jie;WANG Rong-hui;ZHEN Xiao-xia;LIU Xin-huan;HAN Xiao-cheng;School of Civil Engineering and Transportation;South China University of Technology;Guangdong Expressway Co.;Ltd.;China Railway Major Bridge Bridge and Tunnel Diagnosis and Remedial Co.;Ltd.;