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Journal of Qujing Normal University
2003 Issue 3
On editors'qualities of high-grade journal
gao chong you
Database construction and quality control for the collection of the serial publication
sun yue mei ; deng yong fu ; mo zuo shi ; zhao cai chang
The developmental research on new junior school student's adaption
li hui li ; gu yong qing
Research on the distance open education in China's west
su han lin
The structures and reactivity of H4C2N+
yang si zuo
Carbonize reaction of carbon difluro-choromethane and dacetonitrile
wang fan ; yang wen qin
Continuous determination of Cu,Fe in tobacco by flame atomic absorption spectrometry
lin xue fei ; yang si zuo ; lin jian ; zhang qiu ju
Service to readers of periodcals in college library
zhu yuan ping
On Kelly's problem and Wollian Kruskal conjecture
yang shi chun
Existence and uniqueness of periodic solutions for a class of nonlinear differential equations
liu jun ; li zheng biao ; xiang chang fu
Deisgning of educational web
xu si gui
Design of dynamic website based on XML
zeng li
The method of memory-mapped in static linked List
tang jin wen
The introduction of two formulas in Maxwell's equations
li jian rong
Collective synchronization of nearest coupled limit-cycle oscillators
zhang ting xian ; liu rong