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Light Metals
2001 Issue 4
Production of Al- Si alloy by electrothermal process
ZHOU Yimiao
Fast measurement of iron in iron additive for aluminum alloy
DONG Xiaolin
Application efficacy analysis of circulating fluidized bed calcining in alumina production
SUN Keping;XIAN Jincong;CHENG Li
Reactive alumina and its development
LIU Chunyu;LIU Zhaoxia
Basic properties of red mud and its engineering characteristics
JING Yingren;JING Yingqin;YANG Qi
Analysis of and prevent from piping block of fluid bed cooler
LOU Zhanguo;GAN Guoyao
Measurement of petroleum coke progerties beyond the national quality standard
LU Zhongsheng;TIAN Jianhua;YAN Feng;SUN Kangjian
Practice of start up new 190 kA prebaked anode potline
ZHAO Tiande;DANG Jianping;HU Jinping
Possibilityn of application of SiC refractory in aluminum reduction cells
GAO Bingliang;WANG Qiquan;QIU Zhuxian;LUO Xinmin;FANG Qingwen
Full distributed automatic aluminum reduction cell controller based on field bus
LI Jie;DING Fengqi;HUO Benlong;WU Jun;YANG Tianyu;LI Defeng
Present state and development direction of Chinese primary aluminum industry
SUN Chumliang;WNAN Xingzhong