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Qinghai Social Sciences
2003 Issue 5
The Trend of the Times and the Socialism
chen li xu
jia qiang dui quan li de zhi yue yu jian du
wang dong ming
xin xi hua yu wo guo zheng fu guan li bian ge
chen wei
guo ji mao yi zhong de lv se bi lei yu wo guo dui wai mao yi de fa zhan
wang hong jun ; wu shu jie
xi bu kai fa zhong de zheng fu tou zi tui chu
xie li shuang
The Awareness of Life in the Orient Aesthetics
yue you xi
Study the Subjectism of the Individual Association
long bai lin
mo zi yu de zuo ke li te zhe xue si xiang bi jiao
he zhi yong
On ‘Poems on History’
liu hui wen ; liu zuo
cong da yu zhi shui kan xia ren qi yuan
huang zheng shu
On National Cultural Background of the Believe in the Revered Mr.Guan
liu zhi jun ; zhou gong wei
On Improvement of Obtaining Guarantors and Awaiting Trial Out of Custody
shi xiao bo ; ou yang zuo
Study Present Condition and Development of Journalistic Industry in Qinghai Province
li lian jun ; liu ying ; chen chang sheng
shi lun jian wei bu jiu fan zui hua
wang huai zhang