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Journal of Qinghai Normal University(Philosophy and Social Science Edition)
2006 Issue 5
A Survey of Features of English Figurative Expressions
REN Ai-min
The Skills of Literary Art Creation
ZUO Ke-hou
Kunlun Cultural Intent and Regional Identity Analysis
Justice Is An Important Principle of Socialist Moral System
FANG Li-jiang
On Chen Bai-sha's Philosophical Origins
LIU Zhi-jing
Realizing Two Joint-Tracks Promoting Overall Development
DONG Jia-ping
The Discussion of Hayek's Theory of Money
ZHANG Tian-yuan
Fuzzy Integrated Evaluation of Course of Legal English
LIU Yan-ping
On Mood Factor and Foreign Language Study
FAN Xue-hong
Analyse of the Library dd Books Were Picked Out
ZHUO Zhi-qiang
A Probe into Relationship between the Dangxiang and the Tuyuhun
HUANG Zhao-hong
Social Functions of Pledge in Pre-Qin
Academic Works Freely Used and the Corresponding Norms
GUO Hong-ji