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Journal of Qinghai Normal University(Philosophy and Social Science Edition)
2002 Issue 1
Studying of the System of Outside Director
yi xiao ming
The End of Metaphysics and the Philosophy of Kant
guo de jun
Deng Xiaoping's Theory about Creative Values
zuo xiao fang ; zhao run zuo
The Material Origin of Intension of The Concept of Practice
xia lin ; zhang ai hua
Newspapaer Reforms Under the New Situation
lu hai
Traditional Historian Power between Tao Tong and Zheng Tong
jiang mei zuo
The Idea of Literature and Tao of Zhang Xuecheng
chang yan
The Imagery of Li Bai's"Poems of Women"Analyzed
wang bao qin
On Elegance and Vulgarity in Liu Yong's Ci Poems
wu jian
A Talk about the Inspiration of The Good Earth by Pearl S.Buck
leng man bing
Buber's Character Education and its Enlightenment for School's Moral Education
zuo yuan hui ; li ming guo
Discuss the Qualitative Education of High Vocational School
xin ji shan
The West Development of China and the Training of Postgraduates
shi jian feng
New Advance in the Methodology of Developmental Psychology
li ya qin
Five Keys to Elementary English Teaching
a chun lin