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Journal of Minorities Teachers College of Qinghai Teachers University
2005 Issue 1
No Elegance, No the San Music in Yuan Dynasty
li ling zuo
lun yi ren wei ben de ke xue fa zhan guan
liao xuan qin
zuo zhong di qu cang zu fu shi ji hun sang xi su
luo jia
j2ee duo ceng gou jia ji shu zai jiao wu guan li xi tong zhong de ying yong
suo nan dang zhou ; cao yu lin
On Styles of ZhasakeQi in Tulufan During Qing Dynasty
shen su li
On The Consciousness of Mao Zedong\'s Theories
zhang yan hui
cang zu tian zang tan wei
ba gai cuo
qian tan zhong jian jian yu dian zi shang wu
liu qin
On Modernism of Mao Zedong\'s Economics
wang yu
k5-{e} tu shi si se tu
wang tian cheng
From Striving to Degradation
geng ying chun
On Aesthetic Appreciation of the Universe of Ben and Buddhism
luo jia cai rang