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Journal of Tsinghua University(Science and Technology)
2007 Issue S1
Monte Carlo simulations of spatial noise and Langevin equation
ZHOU Yan;BAO Jingdong
Modification and application of SHIELD code
TANG Xinxin1;2;ZHANG Lizhi1;LUO Wenyun2;WANG Chuanshan2;WANG Chaozhuang1;ZHA Yuanzi2;FAN Sheng3
Temperature distributions in multi-layer sphere materials subjected to intense neutron irradiation
HU Yuxin1;2;ZENG Zhi1;CHENG Jianping1;LI Junli1
BNCT dosimetry Monte Carlo code system—MCDB and its algorithm
DENG Li1;LI Gang1;CHEN Chaobin1;YE Tao1;ZHANG Benai1;ZHANG Liangui2
Sampling of electron beam distributions
LIU Jun;LIU Jin;SHI Jiangjun
Design of neutron detector head based on the n-γ reaction
LI Rusong;HE Bin;XIAO Zhou;ZHANG Quanhu; FU Guangzhi
Monte Carlo simulations of single-energy photon response function in HPGe detector
QUAN Lin;TU Jing;JIANG Xinbiao
Monte Carlo simulations for target analyses
ZHANG Hui1;LOU Yun2;LI Pengyu3;CAO Yanfeng3;HOU Lina3
Monte Carlo calculations of dose distributions for a ~(60)Co long-distance treatment machine
FENG Shuqiang1;LIU Baojie1;CHENG Jinsheng2
Monte Carlo simulations of high energy X-ray source spot sizes
SHI Jiangjun;LIU Jun;LIU Jin
Monte Carlo simulations of the sensitivity of scintillating-film neutron detectors
NIU Shengli;ZHU Jinhui;ZHANG Guoguang;XIE Honggang
Using FLUKA code to simulate and design the beam dumps’ structure of CSNS
WU Qingbiao;WANG Qingbin
Monte Carlo simulations of nuclear reactions induced by high energy protons
WANG Tongquan1;ZHANG Wenyong2
Monte Carlo simulations of the light collection efficiency of a scintillating-film detector
ZHU Jinhui;ZHANG Guoguang;ZHANG Jianfu
Monte Carlo simulations of HPGe detector efficiencies and coincidence-summing corrections
YU Wen;ZENG Zhi;WU Qifan;WANG Nan;CHENG Jianping
Monte Carlo method in estimating radiation safty for manned spaceflight
JIA Xianghong1;XU Feng1;HUANG Zengxin1;WANG Genliang1;LI Junli2;ZENG Zhi2
Modeling of voxel phantoms for Monte Carlo simulations
ZHANG Binquan1;2;MA Jizeng2;CHENG Jianping1;LIU Liye2
Applications of Monte Carlo method in radiation medicine
XU Shuyan;LIANG Yong;FENG Shuqiang;LIU Baojie;ZHENG Yulai
Monte Carlo method for in situ gamma radiological characterization and dose estimation
LIU Liye1;MA Jizeng1;ZHANG Binquan1;2;PAN Hongjuan1;CAO Qinjian1
Monte Carlo sign-scatter method for radioprotection design
LI Junli1;LOU Yun2;LI Pengyu3;MING Shenjin3;WANG Bing3
Monte Carlo simulation of dose distribution of radiotherapy
LIU Yanmei1;2;XUE Dingyu2;XU Xinhe2;GAO Wenshan3
Monte Carlo simulation of photon transport in a scintillation crystal array
SUN Xishan;WANG Shi;ZHANG Zhicheng;MA Tianyu;LIU Yaqiang;WU Zhaoxia;JIN Yongjie
Parallel Monte Carlo simulation of MicroSPECT imaging system based on the GATE algorithm
MA Tianyu;QI Jianmin;ZHOU Rong;LIU Yaqiang;WU Zhaoxia;WANG Shi;JIN Yongjie
Transport with neutron flag based on Monte Carlo method
SHANGGUAN Danhua;XU Haiyuan;DENG Li;HUANG Zhengfeng;LI Shu;WANG Ruihong;SONG Hongzhou
Application of the Monte Carlo method in the dose computation of radiotherapy planning
ZHOU Linghong;JIN Haoyu;CHEN Chaomin
Monte Carlo simulation of radiated seed source brachytherapy
WANG Jianhua1;2;QIU Xiaoping1;XU Xunjiang2
Use of MCNP to simulate nuclear detection of inertial confinement fusion
ZHAO Zongqing1;2;DING Yongkun2;ZHANG Ying1;2;CHEN Ming2;YUAN Yongteng2;LIU Dongjian2;WANG Xiangxian2;TANG Changhuan2;PU Yikang1
Experimental measurement and Monte Carlo correction of neutron capture cross section of ~(98)Mo
SHI Shuting;LUO Xiaobing;WANG Lei
Application of associated particle C/O well logging
HUANG Bingsheng;LIN Qian
Monte Carlo simulations of a MicroSPECT pinhole collimator
MA Tianyu;ZHOU Rong;WU Zhaoxia;LIU Yaqiang;WANG Shi;JIN Yongjie
Monte Carlo tumor dosimetry calculations for BNCT voxel model
LI Gang;DENG Li;YE Tao;CHEN Chaobin
Monte Carlo simulations of the photon skyshine benchmark problem
PAN Liujun;DENG Li
Monte Carlo simulations of neutron time constants
LI Shu1;2;TIAN Dongfeng1;DENG Li1
Monte Carlo simulation and geometric reconstruction of three-photon PET imaging
ZHOU Rong;MA Tianyu;LIU Yaqiang;WU Zhaoxia; WANG Shi;JIN Yongjie
Shielding calculations for CCD chips in 14MeV neutron radiography
ZHANG Faqiang1;LI Zhenghong1;YANG Jianlun1;YING Chuntong2;LIU Guangjun2
Weighted samping method in radiography
LIU Jin;LIU Jun;SHI Jiangjun
Development of visualized input for MCNP
LI Chunyan;LI Junli;CHENG Jianping;WU Zhen
Ionizing and non-ionizing energy loss of electron and proton for satellite in sun synchronous orbit
WANG Chuanshan1;WANG Chaozhuang1.2;LUO Wenyun1;ZHA Yuanzi1;TANG Xinxin1.2;HE xinfu2.3;FAN Sheng2
Simulation of single event effects in semiconductor devices with Geant4
XIE Honggang;NIU Shengli;HUANG Liuxing
Power system reliability evaluation based on an adaptive algorithm
SONG Xiaotong;TAN Zhenyu
Monte Carlo simulations of airborne gamma spectrometry of radionuclide in earth
FANG Sheng;ZENG Zhi;WU Qifan;CHENG Jianping
Optimum design of the shields in coal measuring devices
JIA Wenbao1;2;CHEN Xiaowen1;XU Aiguo1
Relationship between the α eigenvalue and the k eigenvalue in subcritical systems
QIU Youheng;LI Maosheng;DENG Li