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Tsinghua Science and Technology
2014 Issue 6
Opportunities for Computational Techniques for Multi-Omics Integrated Personalized Medicine
Yuan Zhang;Yue Cheng;Kebin Jia;Aidong Zhang;Department of Electronic Information and Control Engineering;Beijing University of Technology;Department of Computer Science and Engineering;State University of New York at Buffalo;Buffalo;NY 14260-2500;USA;
A New Hidden Markov Model for Protein Quality Assessment Using Compatibility Between Protein Sequence and Structure
Zhiquan He;Wenji Ma;Jingfen Zhang;Dong Xu;Department of Computer Science and Christopher S. Bond Life Sciences Center;University of Missouri;MO 65211;USA;Christopher S. Bond Life Sciences Center;University of Missouri;MO 65211;USA;Department of Computer Science;City University of Hong Kong;
Structure-Based Prediction of Transcription Factor Binding Sites
Jun-tao Guo;Shane Lofgren;Alvin Farrel;Department of Bioinformatics and Genomics;University of North Carolina at Charlotte;Charlotte;NC 28223;USA;
A Survey of MRI-Based Brain Tumor Segmentation Methods
Jin Liu;Min Li;Jianxin Wang;Fangxiang Wu;Tianming Liu;Yi Pan;School of Information Science and Engineering;Central South University;Department of Mechanical Engineering and Division of Biomedical Engineering;University of Saskatchewan;Saskatoon;SK S7N 5A9;Canada;Department of Computer Science;University of Georgia;Boyd 420;Athens;GA 30602;USA;Department of Computer Science;Georgia State University;Atlanta;GA 30302-3994;USA;
Genome-Wide Interaction-Based Association of Human Diseases—A Survey
Xuan Guo;Ning Yu;Feng Gu;Xiaojun Ding;Jianxin Wang;Yi Pan;Department of Computer Science;Georgia State University;Atlanta;GA30303;USA;Department of Computer Science;College of Staten Island;Staten Island;NY 10314;USA;Central South University;
Mono-isotope Prediction for Mass Spectra Using Bayes Network
Hui Li;Chunmei Liu;Mugizi Robert Rwebangira;Legand Burge;Department of Systems and Compute Science;Howard University;Washington;DC 20059;USA;
Methods for Population-Based eQTL Analysis in Human Genetics
Lu Tian;Andrew Quitadamo;Frederick Lin;Xinghua Shi;Department of Bioinformatics and Genomics;College of Computing and Informatics;University of North Carolina at Charlotte;NC 28223;USA;
Hierarchically Clustered HMM for Protein Sequence Motif Extraction with Variable Length
Cody Hudson;Bernard Chen;Dongsheng Che;Department of Computer Science;University of Central Arkansas;Conway;AR 72034;USA;Department of Computer Science;East Stroudsburg University;East Stroudsburg;PA 18301;USA;
A Hybrid Mathematical Model of Tumor-Induced Angiogenesis with Blood Perfusion
Junping Meng;Shoubin Dong;Liqun Tang;Yi Jiang;School of Electronic & Information Engineering;South China University of Technology;School of Computer Science & Engineering;South China University of Technology;School of Civil Engineering & Transportation;South China University of Technology;Department of Mathematics & Statistics;Georgia State University;Atlanta;GA 30303;USA;
PBNA: An Improved Probabilistic Biological Network Alignment Method
Muwei Zhao;Wei Zhong;Jieyue He;School of Computer Science and Engineering;and also with MOE Key Laboratory of Computer Network and Information Integration;Southeast University;Division of Math and Computer Science;University of South Carolina Upstate;Spartanburg;SC 29303;USA;
Information for Contributors