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Tsinghua Science and Technology
2000 Issue 1
Catalan Number and Enumeration of Maximal Outerplanar Graphs
HU Guanzhang
Experimental Studies of Two-Phase Round Turbulent Jet Coherent Structures
FAN Quanlin;ZHANG Huiqiang;GUO Yincheng;WANG Xilin;LIN Wenyi
Cold Gas-particle Flows in a New Swirl Pulverized-coal Burner by PDPA Measurement
LI Zhiqiang;LI Rongxian;ZHOU Lixing
Numerical Simulation of Gasparticle Flows with Different Swirl Numbers in a Swirl Burner
LUO Gang;LI Rongxian;ZHOU Lixing
Digital Speckle Technique Applied to Flow Visualization
SONG Yaozu;ZHANG Wei;WU Ying;YAO Xuefeng
Application of Numerical Simulation of the Flow Field of Centrifugal Impellers for Fan Design
BIAN Xiaodong;TANG Xudong;HUANG Dongtao;TIAN Mancang;ZHU Zhichi
Numerical Simulation of Rotor-stator Interactions in a Transonic Compressor Stage
REN Yuxin;Toshinori Watanabe;Shojiro Kaji
Hierarchical Direct Time Integration Method and Adaptive Procedure for Dynamic Analysis
ZHENG Xiaoping;YAO Zhenhan;FU Yuxu
Numerical Simulation and Dynamic Fracture Criteria of Thin Cylindrical Shells under Inner Explosive Loading
GAO Chongyang;SHI Huiji;YAO Zhenhan;WANG Xiaohua;BAI Chunhua
Direct Numerical Simulation of Effective Elastic Properties of 2-D Solids with Circular Holes
YUAN Weifeng;HU Ning;TAN Guowen;YAO Zhenhan
Triple-layer Absorptive Structures for Shock Wave Blast Protection
Identification of the Material Parameters of Laminated Plates
YAO Zhenhan;QU Shisheng
Bubble Content in Air/Hydro System--Part 2:Factors Influencing Bubble Content
HAN Biao;TANG Rongming;WANG Xuefang;XU Hongqing;LI Nan
Bubble Content in Air/Hydro System--Part 1:Measurement of Bubble Content
HAN Biao;TANG Rongming;WANG Xuefang;XU Hongqing
Low Dispersion and Boundedness Practical Discretization Scheme
YAO Zhaohui;ZHANG Xiwen;HAO Pengfei;WANG Xuefang
Dynamic Characteristics of a New Pneumatic Cylinder with Curved Groove
HAO Pengfei;ZHANG Xiwen;WANG Xuefang
Adaptive Lattice Boltzmann Model for Compressible Flows
SUN Chenghai;WANG Baoguo;SHEN Mengyu
Modified Non-oscillatory Central Difference Scheme for Conservation Laws
ZHANG Zengchan;SHEN Mengyu
Buoy Relay Method for Instantaneous Fluid Flow with Free Surface
WANG Shimin;WANG Zhaolin;LI Junfeng
Minimum-torque Earth Off-nadir Pointing Control of Gravity-gradient Stabilized Small Satellites
LI Junfeng;XU Min;WANG Zhaolin;WANG Shimin
Some Modal Relations and Generalized Velocity Method in State Space
HOU Zhichao;ZHENG Zhaochang
Fatigue Crack Propagation Behavior of Rubber-toughened Epoxy Resin
LUO Huiyang;SUN Zhenhua;ZHAO Shiqi