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Tsinghua Journal of Education
2003 Issue 2
yi liu da xue jian she de li lun yu shi jian xue shu yan tao hui zong shu
shi jing zuo ; luo yan ; wang xiao yang ; ye fu gui
Reflections on Cultivating Engineering Master in University by Cooperating with Enterprise
gao shu zuo ; shen yan ; liu hui qin
Rules, Regulations, and Appointment Systems in Universities
yang cun rong ; wang jian ; pei zhao hong
On Practical Teaching in the Context of College English
luo li sheng ; guo rui ; zhang wen xia
Exploring the Origin of Educational Modernization
li li guo
Value System of Educational Policy
liu fu xing
Educational History: the Process of Losing Its Essence
zhang bin xian
On Price Response Features of Chinese Undergraduate Students
zhong yu ping ; lu gen shu
On the Property Rights and Control of Private Institutions
wen dong mao
On the Objective of Education Abroad Policy
miao dan guo