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Advances in Climate Change Research
2005 Issue 3
Trends of Evapotranspiration in the Yangtze River Basin in 1961-2000
WANG Yanjun;JIANG Tong;XU Chongyu;SHI Yafeng
Change Trend and Analysis of Abrupt Change for the First Tropopause Height over Xinjiang in 1960 - 1999
ZHANG Guangxing;LI Juan;CUI Caixia;XIN Yu
Complexities of Chinese Coast in Response to Climate Change
FAN Daidu;LI Congxian
Recognition of Ecosystem Response to Climate Change Impact
wu shao hong ; yin yun he ; zhao hui xia ; li shuang cheng ; shao xue mei ; tao bo
Simulation of Climate in China by RegCM3 Model
ZHANG Dongfeng;GAO Xuejie;ZHAO Zongci;Jeremy S.PAL;Filippo GIORGI
Review on Impact of Climate Change on Water Resources System in the Upper Reaches of Yellow River
lan yong chao ; ding yong jian ; shen yong ping ; chang jun jie ; wei zhi
Decreasing Emission of Methane from Rice Fields in China
xu li ; ding yi hui ; luo yong ; liu jin zuo ; yang ning ; wang tian long ; yu yong
The Northern Eurasia Earth Science Partnership Initiative Science Plan
GUO Yanjun;ZHAI Panmao;CAO Qingchen
A Brief of the 34th Session of the IPCC Bureau
CHEN Zhenlin
Korean Panel on Climate Change (KPCC) Established
A Brief of the 2nd IPCC AR4 Chinese Leading Authors Meeting
DAI Xiaosu;GAO Yun;CHEN Zhihua