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Automotive Engineering
2016 Issue 8
qi che gong cheng zheng gao qi shi
A Research on Engine Off-line Calibration for Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicles
Wang Qingnian;,Duan Benming;,Zeng Xiaohua;,Zhu Qinglin;,Li Chang;,Ba Te;
A Study on Coach Structure Optimization Based on Load Ratio of Vehicle Body Measured by Interface Force
Zhang Miaoli;,Ren Jindong;,Zhou Shanshan;
The Effects of Exhaust Gas Recirculation on the Volatilization and Oxidation Characteristics of Particles from Diesel Engine
Zhao Yang;,Wang Zhong;,Xu Guangju;,Li Mingdi;,Liu Shuai;
The Determination Method of Parameters in Correction Link of Preview-Follower Driver Model
Guan Xin;,Chen Yongshang;,Jia Xin;,Zhang Lizeng;,Zhan Jun;
A Study on Occupant Injury in Frontal Crash Based on THUMS Human Model
Gao Jidong;,Qi Zhinan;,Xie Shugang;,Cui Dong;
A Research on Electro-Hydraulic Compound Regenerative Braking for Battery Electric Vehicle
Liu Zhiqiang;,Wang Haolei;,Du Ronghua;,Yang Zhonghua;
A Study on the Pedestrian Head Impact Based on Accident Reconstruction
Zeng Biqiang;,Gao Jidong;,Peng Wei;
A Study on the Anti-roll Performance of Vehicle Body Dynamic Stabilization System
Liu Xuhui;,Zhang Yu;,Wang Lifu;,Zhang Bangji;,Zhang Nong;
Lateral Stability Control Based on Roll Moment Distribution of Semi-active Suspension
Yao Jialing;,Ren Shan;,Li Zhihong;,Sun Ning;,Shen Liang;
Finite Element Analysis on the Support Stiffness of Final Drive in Vehicle Drive Axle
Zhou Chi;,Peng Qianlei;,Ding Weiqi;,Gui Liangjin;,Fan Zijie;
Motor Coordinated Shift Control for a Two-speed Uninterrupted Shift Transmission of Pure Electric Vehicle
Ye Jie;,Zhao Kegang;,Huang Xiangdong;,Liu Yanwei;,Yao Weihao;
A Motor-Transmission Powertrain for Pure Electric Vehicles
Fu Hong;,Wang Yanjing;,Feng Chao;,Xue Shan;
A Study on the Equivalent Fatigue of Crankshaft Structure Based on the Theory of Multi-axial Fatigue
Sun Songsong;,Yu Xiaoli;,Li Jianfeng;
Fatigue Life Prediction for the Spot Welds of Body-in-white Based on Random Loadings
Long Haiqiang;,Hu Yumei;,Liu Bo;,Jin Xiaoqing;,Zhu Hao;
An Experimental Study on the Differences Between Cylinders in a Gasoline Engine Under Transient Conditions
Fu Jianqin;,Shu Jun;,Liu Jingping;,Zhao Zhichao;,Duan Xiongbo;
Moving Base Alignment Scheme for On-board SINS/OD Combination Based on CKF and R-T-S Smoothing
Huang Xiangyuan;,Tang Xiaqing;,Wu Meng;
Structural Analysis and Optimization for the Invisible Tear Seam of Airbag on Instrument Panel
Yuan Zhijun;,Wang Hui;,Liu Huaguan;,Wei Xuebing;,Hua Lin;,Fang Fei;
A Study on the Factors Affecting the Connection Efficiency of Single Lap Structural Adhesive Join
Chen Tao;,Zeng Junwei;,Duan Libin;,Li Zhuo;