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Journal of Pingxiang College
2008 Issue 3
On the Control of Massive Concrete Crack
Du Shuo;Liu Yinghong
On the phytoremediation and hyperaccumulator
Wang Ke;Li Hong
The Diversity and Protection of the Rare and Endangered Endemic Plant Species in Wugong Mountain
Liao Qiansheng;Liu Jianghua;Xiong Meizhen
On the Improvement of the Thin PbS Polytrophic Film Uniform
Xin Feng;Chen Fengjin
BP Network-based Boiler Combustion System Control
Liao Yumei;Huang Guobing
The Design and Application of Automatic Control Based on VB6
Wen Qiebing;Liao Dewei
The Implementation of Disk Quota Based on LINUX System
Chen Hong;Chen Duanlin
On Speeding the Rendering of the Vray Render
Sun Zhengguang
P2P Network and Its Safety Analysis
Cai Fangping
A Promotion Rule Suitable for the Large Trial
Liu yanghui;Liu penglin
The Structure of Regular Polygons Symmetry Group
Xu Zhaochun;Liu Huajun
A Simple Way to Prove the Momotony of a Function and Its Extension
Kuang Rong;Xu Lu
A Basic Inequality of Meromorphic Function in the Angular Domain
Xu Hongyan;Fang Chenghong
Innovative Education in Biology Teaching
Luo Qiong
Rules to Judge of DISLAB
Yi Yong;Li Tingping