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Energy Research & Utilization
2001 Issue 1
wo guo shui zi yuan de kai fa li yong
kong wei zuo
xi qi dong shu yu ran qi lun ji diao feng fa dian
wang huai zhong
Disposal of Filtered Waste Liquid of City Rubbish
zhang hai lun
Improvement of Control System for Preventing Leaking of Raw Gas from Coke-oven
xue run lin ; guo pei zhi ; liu yu xia
Research on Dirt Removal and Anti-mist Performance of Active TiO2 Film and Its Application
luo yong gang ; li da zuo ; dai qing
Inquire for Reburning Reduction NOx with Biomass
zhang qiang ; li yan peng ; xu yi qian ; gu
Experimental Investigation on Fractal Pore Structure in Calcium-Based Absorbents
zuo ming feng ; shen xiang lin
cai yong dian re guo lu gong re de shang que
zhong shi ming
he mei qi hua ji qi ying xiang yin su fen xi
chen yong guo ; guo sen kui ; he ping
Research and Design on Photovoltic Home Power System
ye lei lin ; gao heng chu
Comparison and Simplification of Boiler Efficiency Calculation Model
jin xu ying ; wang pei hong
Preparation for Natural Gas from West to East x Grasp chance in New Century
gong yi feng ; xu rui lin
Main Points of Resources Saving and Comprehensive Utilization Work in China in 2001
guo jia jing ji mao yi wei yuan hui zi yuan jie yue yu zong he li yong si