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Agricultural Science & Technology and Equipment
2011 Issue 4
On Accelerating Agricultural Technological Innovations
WEI Yuwen
Discussion on the Application of High Speed Machining Technique
WANG Yanfang
Present State of Mechanized Potato Production in Liaoning Province and Research Fields
WANG Fuyi;PEI Zelian;CHENG Jin;ZHONG Gang;CAI Xinglong;YANG Fang
Research on the Utilization of New Forage Grass Triticale
CUI Xingguo
Application of Ecological Revetment in Safeguarding Urban Watercourse
MA Zhenwen;ZHU Jun;YU Xiangdong;WANG Linan
Analysis on Reactive Compensation in Rural Power Distribution
Analysis of Natural Frequency Characteristics for Tractor Motor
XU Peng;LI Yongqiang
Research on the Design of DT-type Belt Conveyor
Water-saving Irrigation Techniques for Solar Greenhouse
CHEN Xiaojie
Discussion on Design of Temporary Electricity Utilization in Construction
FENG Aiming;LIU Fei
Rational Use of Starter and Storage Battery
HAN Huixiong
Study on the Optimized Cultivation of Oat Species of Liaoning
LIU Fang;LIU Ming;QI Hua
Measures of Disaster Prevention for Facility Agriculture
SUN Junbo
Experimental Study on Rice "3414" Fertilizers
Detection of Ulti-element in Soil by ICP-MS in the Meanwhile
WANG Sina;XU Yanqiu;MIN Guangquan
Applications of Conservation Tillage in Panjin Rice Production
ZHANG Cuihua
Research Progress on Automatic Steering System in Domestic Farm Vehicles
LIU Jinbo;CHI Dexia;JIN Hongliang
Application of PDA in Continuous Investigation of Forest Resources
LIU Yuan;XIA Zhiguang;LI Xuefeng;GAO Ronghai
Landscape Design for Jilin-Caoshi Expressway
Effect of Various Seeds Treatments on Maize Yields
XU Zhiying;CHEN Bo;WEI Zhen
Discussion on the High-yield Rice Cultivation Techniques
HAN Yongze
Research on Rice Fertilizer Formula for Liaoning Province
JIANG Juan;ZHAO Bin;LIU Shunguo
Application Effect Report of Controlled-release Urea in Rice in Mid-Liaoning
JIANG Juan;YU Kuiwu;LI Dongmei;GUO Shuxian
Conservation Tillage Techniques in Semi-arid Regions
ZHAO Guozhi