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Journal of Agro-Environment Science
2014 Issue 1
Fundamental Problems to be Solved in Research on Soil-environmental Criteria/standards
ZHOU Qi-xing;TENG Yong;ZHAN Si-hui;TONG Ling;Ministry of Education Key Laboratory of Pollution Processes and Environmental Criteria;College of Environmental Science and Engineering;Nankai University;
huan ying tou gao tian jin ke ji
Research Progress of Disposal Technology for Heavy Metal-Enriched Plant Biomass
LIU Wei-tao;NI Jun-cheng;ZHOU Qi-xing;HUA Tao;Key Laboratory of Pollution Processes and Environmental Criteria;Ministry of Education / Tianjin Key Laboratory of Urban Ecology Environmental Remediation and Pollution Control;College of Environmental Science and Engineering;Nankai University;
Studying Genomic Methylation of Arabidopsis thaliana Seedlings Under Cadmium Stress Using MSAP
LI Zhao-ling;WANG He-tong;CHEN Rui-juan;JIA Chun-yun;LI Xiao-jun;TAI Pei-dong;LI Pei-jun;LIU Wan;Key Laboratory of Pollution Ecology and Environmental Engineering;Institute of Applied Ecology;Chinese Academy of Sciences;University of Chinese Academy of Sciences;
Genotypic Variation of Cd2+ Flux and Its Relationship with Cd Accumulation in Rice Plant
HAN Li-na;JU Xue-hai;ZHANG Chang-bo;SONG Zheng-guo;WANG Jing-an;LIU Zhong-qi;Tianjin Key Laboratory of Animal and Plant Resistance;College of Life Science;Tianjin Normal University;Centre for Research in Ecotoxicology and Environmental Remediation;Agro-Environmental Protection Institute;Ministry of Agriculture;
Toxicity of Eluates from Dredged Sediment to Fish Embryo and Larva from the Channel of Yangshan Harbor
SHEN Xin-qiang;SHEN Ang-lü;Key Laboratory of East China Sea & Oceanic Fishery Resources Exploitation and Utilization;Ministry of Agriculture;P.R.China;East China Sea fisheries Research Institute;Chinese Academy of Fishery Sciences;
Fluorescent Characteristics of Chlorophylls in Plagiomnium acutum Under Cd and Pb Stresses
LI Zhao-yang;WU Hao;TIAN Xiang-rong;LI Jing;ZHOU Xi;DU Xiao-meng;College of Biology and Environmental Science;Jishou University;Laboratory of Plant Resources Conservation and Utilization;College of Hunan Province;
xin shu tui jie
Effects of Environment Hormone Dimethoate on the Reproduction of Brachionus calyciflorus
L Lin-lan;ZHU Dan-dan;DONG Xue-xing;College of Chemistry and Biology Engineering;Yancheng Institute of Technology;Key Laboratory of Aquaculture and Ecology of Coastal pool of Jiangsu Province;
Effect of Long-term Fertilization on Heavy Metal Accumulation in Soils and Crops
WANG Mei;LI Shu-tian;MA Yi-bing;HUANG Shao-min;WANG Bo-ren;ZHU Ping;Institute of Agricultural Resources and Regional Planning;Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences;Institute of Plant Nutrition;Resources and Environment;Henan Academy of Agricultural Sciences;Hengyang Red Soil Experimental Station of Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences;Institute of Agricultural Resources and Environment;Jilin Academy of Agricultural Sciences;
Amelioration and Reutilization of Lead Contaminated and Acidified Farmland
MEI Juan;XIE Hua;YAN Xiu-lan;LI Hua;LIAO Xiao-yong;Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research;Shanxi University;Scientific Research Academy of Guangxi′s Environmental Protection;
Translocation and Fractions of Lead in Soil-Tobacco System
YAN Yi-hua;ZHENG Zi-cheng;LI Ting-xuan;ZHANG Xi-zhou;WANG Yong-dong;WANG Yong;College of Resource and Environmental Science;Sichuan Agricultural University;Liangshan Branch;Sichuan Tobacco Corporation;
Enhanced Removal of Soil Petroleum Pollutants by Modified Fenton Reaction with Chelating Agents
LI Fang-min;LIU Hong-xia;MEI Ping;LI Fan-xiu;LIU Di-pei;School of Chemistry and Environmental Engineering;Yangtze University;Branch Laboratory of Yangtze University;HSE Key Laboratory of PetroChina Company Limited;
Modeling to Predict Lead and Nickel Contents in Soil of the Mid-and Lower Reaches of Shiting River Using RS and GIS
YAO Ping;ZHANG Dong;ZHANG Shi-rong;XU Xiao-xun;LI Ting;College of Resources and Environment;Sichuan Agricultural University;Key Laboratory of Soil Environment Protection of Sichuan Province;Agricultural Bureau of Deyang;
Effects of Sulfur Amino Acids-rich Transgenic Soybean on Sulfur Transforming Enzyme Activity and Microbial Functional Diversity in Soil
LIU Gen-lin;QI Jin-liang;YU De-yue;YANG Yong-hua;State Key Laboratory of Pharmaceutical Biotechnology;School of Life Science;NJU-NJFU Plant Molecular Biology Institute;Nanjing University;Jiangsu Academy of Forestry;National Center for Soybean Improvement;State Key Laboratory of Crop Genetics and Germplasm Enhancement;Nanjing Agricultural University;
Community Structure and Diversity of Soil Ammonia-oxidizing Bacteria Under Different Vegetation Restoration Patterns in Hulunbeier Sandy Land, Inner Mongolia, China
LI Gang;XIU Wei-ming;WANG jie;YU Wen-chao;WU Yuan-feng;ZHAO Jian-ning;SONG Xiao-long;YANG Dian-lin;Key Laboratory of Original Agro-environment Quality of Ministry of Agriculture;Agro-Environmental Protection Institute;Ministry of Agriculture;
Prediction of Soil Phosphorus Leaching Risk Under Two Types of Land Use in Northern Area of Qinling Mountains
ZHANG Rui-long;L Jia-long;DIAO Zhan;College of Natural Resources and Environment;Northwest A&F University;Key Laboratory of Plant Nutrition and the Agri-environment in Northwest China;Ministry of Agriculture;
Losses of Water Soluble Organic Carbon and Nitrogen in Soils Under Phyllostachys praecox Stands with Different Fertilization
WU Jia-sen;XU Kai-ping;YE Jing;JIANG Pei-kun;LI Yong-fu;ZHANG Jin-chi;College of Forest Resources and Environment;Nanjing Forestry University;School of Environmental and Resource Sciences;Zhejiang A & F University;Zhejiang Institute of Hydraulics and Estuary;
Coupling Effects of Controlled-release Urea and Water on Tomato Yield and Soil Nitrate Under Reduced Irrigation
LI Yan-mei;LIAO Shang-qiang;XUE Gao-feng;CHEN Yan-hua;SUN Yan-xin;Institute of Plant Nutrition and Resource;Beijing Academy of Agricultural and Forest Science;Key Laboratory of Urban Agriculture;Ministry of Agriculture;P.R.China;
The Influence of Pollutant Inputs from the Major Tributaries on Water Quality of Chao Lake
MAO Guang-jun;YANG Li-biao;YAN Wei-jin;LEI Kun;Chinese Research Academy of Environmental Sciences;State Environmental Protection Key Laboratory of Estuarine and Coastal Environment;Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research;Chinese Academy of Sciences;
Risk Assessment of Non-point Source Pollution in Hulan River Basin Using an Output Coefficient Model
ZHANG Li-kun;XIANG Bao;HU Yu;FANG Guang-ling;JIN Xia;MA Guang-wen;Chinese Research Academy of Environmental Sciences;State Environment Protection Key Laboratory of Regional Eco-process and Function Assessment;College of Water Sciences;Beijing Normal University;College of Geographical Science of Inner Mongolia Normal University;China National Environmental Monitoring Centre;
Distribution of Acid Volatile Sulfide and Simultaneously Extracted Metals and Bioavailability of Heavy Metals in Sediments from Lake Daihai
Nandingqiqige;HE Jiang;L Chang-wei;Dudagula;ZHANG Jing;LI Chuan-zhen;GUO Xia;HOU Zhao-jie;College of Life Science;Inner Mongolia University;College of Environment and Resources;Inner Mongolia University;Institute of Environmental Geology;Inner Mongolia University;
Spatial Distribution of Nutrients in Sediments of the Maowei Sea
WU Wen-cheng;REN Lu-lu;CAI Xin-de;South China Institute of Environmental Sciences;MEP;College of Life Science;Sun Yat-Sen University;Guangdong Vocational College of Environmental Protection Engineering;
Dynamics of Microbial Community and Its Metabolisms of Different Carbon Sources in Tilapia Ponds
CAO Yu-cheng;LI Zhuo-jia;WEN Guo-liang;YUAN Cui-lin;YANG Ying-ying;HU Xiao-juan;LIN Xiao-tao;Key Lab of South China Sea Fishery Resources Exploitation & Utilization;Ministry of Agriculture;Key Lab of Fishery Ecology and Environment;Guangdong Province;South China Sea Fisheries Research Institute;Chinese Academy of Fishery Sciences;Guangzhou Zhenhongkezhan Environmental Technology Co.;Ltd.;Key Lab of Aquatic Eutrophication and Control of Harmful Algal Blooms of Guangdong Higher Education Institutes;Institute of Hydrobiology;Jinan University;
Growth of Four Aquatic Plants and Their Removal of Total Nitrogen and Total Phosphorus in Eutrophication Water Under Different Plant Density:A Laboratory Experiment
SONG Chao;QIU Li-ping;MENG Shun-long;FAN Li-min;HU Geng-dong;Key Open Laboratory of Ecological Environment and Resources of Inland Fisheries;Freshwater Fisheries Research Center;Chinese Academy of Fishery Sciences;
Carbon Metabolic Diversity of Microbial Communities in Intensive Ponds for Hybrid Snakehead and Largemouth Bass Based on Biolog-ECO Plates
LI Zhi-fei;XIE Jun;YU Er-meng;WANG Guang-jun;YU De-guang;XIA Yun;WANG Hai-ying;GONG Wang-bao;WEI Nan;Key Laboratory of Tropical & Subtropical Fishery Resource Application & Cultivation;Ministry of Agriculture;Pearl River Fisheries Research Institute;Chinese Academy of Fishery Science;
Effect of Nutrient Solution Diluted from Swine Effluents on Rape Seedlings in Water Cultivation
ZHANG Yue;QIU Ling;ZHAO Jun-yi;SHI Ya-nan;ZHANG Long-jiang;ZHANG Ke-qiang;WANG Feng;College of Agronomy;Northwest A&F University;Institute of Agro-environmental Protection;MOA;College of Mechanical and Electronic Engineering;Northwest A&F University;Nanjing Institute of Environmental Sciences;MEP;
Effects of Bamboo Biochar Amendments on Methane and Nitrous Oxide Emission from Paddy Soil
Wang Xin-xin;Zou Ping;Fu Jian-rong;Shao Ling-ling;Yu Qiao-gang;Yin Jian-zhen;Ye Jing;Institute of Environment;Resource;Soil & Fertilizer;Zhejiang Academy of Agricultural Sciences;College of Resources and Environmental Science;Nanjing Agricultural University;