The Photolysis Characteristics of Tralkoxydim
LI Lin;ZHU Guang-yan;HOU Zhi-guang;LIANG Shuang;ZHAO Xiao-feng;WANG Xin-hong;LU Zhong-bin;College of Resources and Environment Science;Jilin Agriculture University;Institute for the Control of Agrochemicals;Ministry of Agriculture;
Residue Dynamics of Cyazofamid and Its Metabolite in Grape and Soil
ZHU Guang-yan;ZHENG Zun-tao;JIAN Qiu;NIE Si-qiao;LIANG Ji;FU Qi-ming;Institute for the Control of Agrochemicals;Ministry of Agriculture;National Engineering Center for Agrochemicals;Hunan Research Institute of Chemical Industry;Hunan Province Key Laboratory for Agrochemicals;