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2011 Issue 8
Analytical Method for Ethephon by Ion chromatography
LI Guo-ping1;YU Rong1;SHUI Rong2
xin xi chuang
Simultaneous Determination of Three Pesticides in Orange Juice by SPE-GC
GUO Qing-qing;HU De-yu;ZHANG Yu-ping;ZHANG Kan-kan;GAO Jie
Recent Advance on Quinoline Derivatives with Biological Activities
TIAN Jun-feng1;LIU Jun3;SUN Xu-feng1;2;CHAI Bao-shan1;LIU Chang-ling1
Identification of Barnyardgrass(Echinochloa crusgalli) Resistant to butachlor and quinclorac in rice fields
YANG Cai-hong;FENG Li;YANG Hong-mei;YUE Mao-feng;TIAN Xing-shan
Effective of Carbendazim-oxine-copper,a novel fungicide against Phytophthora capsici
YU Wen-yuan;JIA Xiao-jing;WANG Jian-xin;CHEN Chang-jun;ZHOU Ming-guo;Nanjing 210095;China)
Experimental Study on Processing Fenpropathrin Wastewater
FU Guang-long;MA Wei-xing;GU Xiao-chen
Preparation of Clorpyrifos Emulsion in Water Containing Organosilicon Surfactants
HU Dong-song1;XU Yong-hua1;GAO Yun-ying2;YUAN Jing1;CHEN Jie1
Residual Behavior of 7 Organophosphorus Pesticides in Hot Pepper during Pickled Processing
WU Xiao-guang;XU Zhen-zhen;LIU Yi-hua;GUI Wen-jun;ZHU Guo-nian
Residue Levels and Dynamic Degradation of Chlorpropham in Soil and Water
LI Shou-qiang1;TIAN Shi-long1;AN Li-li2;GE Xia1;CHENG Jian-xin1
Application of Molecularly Imprinted Technology in Pesticide Detection
CHEN Li-jun1;2;LIU Xiao-lei1;HU Mei-ying1
Inhibitory Activity of 20 Plant Extracts against Phytopathogenic Bacteria
JIA Fu-li;CHEN Yi-juan;CHEN Jia;WANG Dan-dan;XIE Li-guan;DAI Guang-hui;Ministry of Agriculture;School of Agriculutre and Biology;Shanghai Jiaotong University;Shanghai 200240;China)
Gas Chromatoegraphic Analysis of Acetochlor·Atrazine·2,4-D Butylate Residue in Maize Samples
SHAN Juana;DONG Zhanb;WANG Wen-bob
HPLC Determination of Thiabendazole·Tebnconazole·Imazalil SC
LIU Yang1;ZHOU Zhi-wu2 Co.;Ltd.;Nantong 226009;Jiangsu;China)
Synthesis and biological activity tests of the Sex Pheromone of Laspeyresia pomonella L.
ZHANG Tao1a;1b;2;CAI Chong-lin1a;2;FENG Jun-tao1a;2;ZHANG Xing1a;2
Current Status of Resistance and Development of Strobilurin Fungicide
ZHAO Ping;YAN Qiu-xu;LI Xin;ZHANG Min-heng
Synthesis of 2-[(Isopropylidieneamino)oxy]ethyl-(S)-lactate
DU Ting-ting;ZHANG Wei;ZHANG Li;SUN Jia-long
Residual Decline of Ethylenethiourea in the Stem and Leaf of Panax ginseng
XU Yun-chenga;WANG Chun-weib;GAO Jieb
Effects of Six Light Stabilizers on Natamycin Anti-photolysis
LU Xiang-yang;LIU Wei-cheng;LU Cai-ge;YANG Jian-fang;TIAN Zhao-feng;LIU Ting;DONG Dan;ZHANG Tao-tao
Toxicity Determination of Thirteen Fungicides on Pythium Causing Ginger Rhizome Rots
YUAN Ju-dan1;2;FENG Kai 1;2;QI Jun-shan2;ZHANG Bo2;LI Lin2;LI Chang-song 2;QU Zhi-cai1
Efficacy Comparison of Four Post-emergence Herbicides in Weed Control in Corn
ZHENG Li;LU Yuan;NI Han-wen