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Journal of Inner Mongolia Normal University(Natural Science Edition)
2006 Issue 1
Study on super-ovulation effect of different breeds of meat sheep
Research on particle gun transgenic technique
LU Ping;WANG Bao-lan
Research on manufacture of the Mongolian agate snuffs bottles
CHEN Pei-wen;REN Yu-feng
Seki Takakazu and the mathematic school of Guan
ZHANG Jian-wei
A comparison of physical characteristics of Chinese Russ with that of five Russia groups
LU Shun-hua;ZHENG Lian-bin;Suoliya;ZHAO Zhou
Anti-oxidation stress of the desert plant Prunus mongolica Maxim.
Seqinbateer;Xiu min
Analysis of the genetic structure of the endangered shrub Tetraena Mongolica
ZHANG Ying-juan;LU Ping
Pollen morphology of six sandy plants of Artemisia
WANG Tie-juan;ZHANG Ying-juan
Application of ANN in predicting densities of alkanes
WANG Feng-ying
Preparation and characterization of ZnO nanocrystalline
Siqingaowa;Zhaorigetu;YAO Hong-xia;Garidi
Boundary element method of electric field of the strands of electric cables
XING Peng-ling;YANG De-quan;ZHAO Gai-ping
Global exponential stability of discrete-time neural networks
XIA Fei;LI Xue-mei
Variable structure control for uncertainty stochastic distributed parameter systems
BAO Jun-dong;DENG Fei-qi;LUO Qi;ZHAO Bi-rong
The mean number of phonons of polaron in a parabolic quantum dot
ZHANG Peng;DING Zhao-hua
Testing the ultravioletproof ability of the sunscreens by the physical method
YANG Li-sen;WANG Shu-qing;CHEN Bao-dong
Positive periodic solutions for difference equations
WANG Wei-bing
Some identities related to Euler numbers
Convergence on the Chebyshev's iteration in γ-condition
ZHAO Yue-qing
Order of convergence of Fejer-Korovkin singular integral in Ba spaces
WANG Xiao-fang;WU Garidi