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Journal of Inner Mongolia University for Nationalities(Natural Sciences)
2013 Issue 4
Discussion on the Construction and Configuration of Biology Laboratory
ZHANG Zhe-lin;ZHAO Zon-gxiao;LIU Hai-ping;CHEN Yu-jie
Cloning and Sequence Analysis of PsbOfrom Castor
HUO Hong-yan
The Effects of Sowing on Maize Keduo 8 Agronomic Character
ZHAN Hai-yun;ZHANG Shu-yan;GUO Yang-yang
The Design and Practice of Comprehensive Experiment Design to Plant Stress Physiology
ZHANG Yu-xia;DU Xiao-yan;JIA Jun-ying;FAN Xiu-yan;GUO Yuan
On the Gracefulness of the Digraph 2Cn
Hong Yan
Preliminary Exploration of Heuristic and Interactive Teaching Method in Biochemistry Teaching
ZHANG Shu-jun;DI Jian-jun;BAI Liang;Mushamoli;WEI Yong-chun;ZHANG Guo-wen
Countermeasures to the Planting Industry’s Present Structure Situations in Inner Mongolia Horqin District
BAI Yun-shan;LI Zhing-gang;ZHAO Feng-kui;CAI Feng-you
Analysis on the Monitoring Results of Domestic Drinking Water in Tongliao Railway Area in 2009
ZHAO Han;ZHAO Wen-hai;WANG Xiu-hua;YAN Yan
The Study on the Pretarsal Structure of Miridae
zheng gao jian ze
Effect of Extract of Waste Battery on Seed Germination of Hybridization of Sorghum-Sudan Grass
SHI Gui-qin;LU Yan;WANG Li-yan;WANG Yu-fei;SONG De-quan;ZHANG Fu-sheng
Two Classes of 8-order BCK-Agebra
Siqin;ZHANG Xiao-ping
Experience and Thoughts on the Teaching Vegetable Cultivation
WANG Cong;ZHANG Yu-xia;DONG Yong-yi
A New Preconditioned AOR Iterative Method and Comparison Theorems
ZHAO Tong;HAN Hai-shan
Some Properties of Conjugate Mapping of a Kind of Fuzzy-valued Function
ZHAO Bo;BAO Yu-e;PENG Xiao-qin
Discussion on the Properties and It’s applications of Adjoint Matrix
SUN Fei;BAI Gen-zhu
Reform of Public Computer Course in Colleges and Universities
ZHANG Zhi-feng;ZHANG Ya-rong;TAI Bagenna
Clinical Analysis of 22 Patients with Severe Burn
YANG Hong-wei
Analysis on the Treatment of Thoracolumbar Compression Fracture
NI Jing-bo;TIAN Li-xin
Research on Teaching Reform of Immunology
LIU Yan;ZHANG Ji-xing;Burie
Research Progress of Transcriptional Regulation with PIAS3
WU Min;TAO Chun
A Hash Function which Choose S-box Dynamically Based on Pre-image
Ha Li-yuan;Bai Feng-wei;Zhang Yan
Signed Edge Domination Numbers of One Class of Graphs
AO Guo-yan;HUO Hong;Hongxia;Jirimutu
Technological Innovation Education and Technological Innovation Talent Development
SU He-Ping;FU Ke;ZHANG De-Hui