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Journal of Inner Mongolia Polytechnic University(Social Science Edition)
2002 Issue 1
A Thought on Reform and Construction of the "Two Courses"
gong chang qing ; wang zhen you
A Survey and an Analysis of College English Teaching in IMPU
chen ya jie ; xue zhi
Some Important Thoughts to be Emphasized in Teaching Higher Mathematics
ma zuo ; chao lu ; ha si ; ge gen tu ya ; zuo hui
A Study on Improving Teaching Chinese Calligraphy
liang huan zuo
A Comparison between Russian and Chinese Proverbs
wang jin feng
On the Myth of Genesis in the Bible
sun mei li
The Dramas of Albee and Jean - Paul Sartre' s Existentialism
qiao xiao yan
On Earnest Hemingway' s Consciousness of Life
li ya bai
On Housework Agency
du hai ying
A Grave Thought on the Research of China' s Entry into WTO
cheng zong zuo
Of the Right of Use of Farmland
zhang da wei
The Enforcement Strategy of ERP Based on the Recombination of Business Flow
chang qing ; wen zong chuan
Company Management Theory and Its Structural Reform in China
wang yong shun
Three Issues Concerning the Western Development
gai zhi yi
Scientific Aestheticism and Cultural Innovation
zhang hai feng