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Journal of Nanjing Institute of Physical Education(Social Sciences)
2009 Issue 2
Bioinformatics and Gene Expression in Skeletal Muscles
Research on the Innovation and Start-up Education Assessment System at Sport Colleges
LIU Zhen-zhong;ZNOU-yuan;ZHANG Cong
Researches on Sport Spectator Based on Social Stratification
SHEN Liang;WANG Xue-feng
Bottleneck of "the Sunlight of Sports" and the Tactics to it in Our Country
XU Ying-wei;ZHUANG Hui
On Ethical Study of Sports Technique
ZHANG Jian-xin;ZHANG Ke-qin;JIN Long-gang
Research on the Rural Sports Culture in Building a New Socialist Countryside
XU Cheng-li;YAN Zhen;WANG Li-qing
Sports Co-ordination of Urban and Rural Schools in Rural School Areas
The Research on Values of the Slogan of the Beijing Olympics Games under Memetics
ZHANG Yun-qiao;YAN Min-fen
Strategy of Paper Media Reports of the Olympic Games
ZHANG Lun-hou
Westernization Group Recognized the Value of Sports Choice and Behavior
TIAN Biao;TANG Yong-gan
Concepts of Developing Branding Sports Events in Jiangsu
ZHANG Huang-xin;ZHANG Shuan-tai
Study on Index System of Evoluation of School Sports Mordernization
Sun Qing-zhu;CHEN Jia-qi;CHEN Pei-you