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Journal of Nanjing Institute of Physical Education(Social Sciences)
2004 Issue 6
About Psychology Health Education in PE
chou you wang
Study on Carrying out the New Standard in PE Class
cao yue xing
Gymnastics teaching under the new teaching Course
xie yuan jian
A Study on College Theoretical PE Teaching
pan jian dong
About the Psychology Need of Bike Athletes
zhou ling mei
The Infiltration and Practice of Psychology Health Education in Physical Teaching
li you wei ; qu ye huang ; hu jun yi
Analysis on Result of Huaxia Cup of National Competitive Calisthenics in 2004
ma yi ben ; dong yuan qing
On Functions of the campus P.E.culture in Universities
wang ping
Techonology Analysis for National Match
zhang yu yan ; ming jie
To Improue the Jumping Ability Using Different Training Method
wang wei min ; gu jiu xian
Tennis Teaching Method Theory
yang jing
The Study on the Speed Quality Development for Football Player of College
zhu jiang ; tian yan ling
The Domestic Strength of Jiangsu Track and Field and Its Strategies in the 10th National Games
zou guo zhong ; xu hong bing ; yin huai gang
Rethink on Ideas and Practice of our Dash Training
zhang heng yun ; hu yue jin
On the Modern Acrobatic Gymnastics Art and It's Training
liu hou yi
Study of Basic Technique about Teaching of Soft Volleyball
jia wen dong
Analysis on the Physical Exercise out of PE Class
shi li feng
The Structure after the Sports Course Reform
gu yin zhu
The Function of Tai-Ji-Quan Cultural Connotation in PE construction Teaching
zhu ji hua ; cheng mei ling
About the Dance Teaching Reformation in Teacher's College
hu fei yan
About Integrations of Technique Course in High Teacher College
xu dong liang ; jiang rong
Study on European Economic Policy in Masses'sports Management
gao jian ping
Relationship Between Students' Fitness and Physical Activity
zhao nian sheng ; sun hong ; dai jian song
Think on Pevelopment of Chinese Soccer
nie lei
On Humanism in Traditional Chinese Sports
wu jian chun
Analyse Relationship Between Students' Fitness and their Lifestyle
sun hong ; dai jian song
Analysis on Sports Club Research in China
zhu ju fang
On the Morals of Workers in Playground and Gymnasium
sun yu zuo
On Cultiuating the Health Psychology
zuo de fa
The Rule of Females Bon Teaching
guan qing li
History of Culture of chinese Lion Dance
shang qiu hua
Typer of Sports Club
ni chen jin
yun dong dui guan li de ji qiao he yi shu tan tao
gu jin feng ; shen chao yang
nba de gong zi zhi du yu quan qiu tui guang zhan lue
jiang yu hua
Probe into the Further Development of Our High-level Basketball Teams in Universities
liu xiao hua ; gao zhan ; fu hao
The Current Situation and Approaches
hu li ping ; chu zhi dong
Application of Adjustment of Dig to Beach volleyball Competitions
gu xiu ping ; lu chun hong ; zhang zuo hong
Training Plan on Judo High Period
liu jun lin
Research on the Situation of Infant Basic Gymnastic in Nanjing
ye zuo ; jiang shan
jian mei cao de mei xue yuan su ji qi biao xian xing shi
ma yan ; liu hong xing