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Journal of Nanjing Normal University(Engineering and Technology)
2008 Issue 4
Attribute Reduction Algorithm Based on the Niche PSO
Wu Yongfen;Feng Maoyan;Zhang Jian
Interval AOR Method for Linear Complementarity Problems
Li Shengguo;Cheng Lizhi
Improved Scheme of Watermarking Based on Singular-Value Decomposition
Zhang Suisheng;Yuan Zhengdao
Research of Data Packet Extraction and Transfer Mechanism Based on ARM Processor
Zhang Gongxuan;Wang Pingli;He Guangsheng;Zhang Chong
Transplant uClinux Based on S3C44BOX Through U-Boot
Wang Liwei;Yang Houjun;Fan Yanbing
On Geological Construction Model Created by Constrained Delaunay Triangular Mesh
Xu Yongan;Zhao Jing;Shen Lingling
Data Organization Model and Access Mechanism Facing Embedded GIS
Chen Yujin;Li Quan;Liu Sheng;Wang Chunhong
Research and Application of Multi-Sampling Rate of Ultrasonic Digital Signal Processing
Sun Zhilin;Bao Yaping;Shi Zhengying;Mei Jinsong
Research of Edge Detection for Marine Phytoplankton Based on Mathematical Morphology
Nie Wen;Yang Chenhui;Chen Cheng
On Classification of Associative Text Based on Rules Pruning of Mutual Information
Shang Bingzhang;Bai Qingyuan
A Novel Individualized Video Search Ranking Algorithm
Li Hui;Li Cunhua;Wang Xia
Design of Flash File System Based on 6025 Platform of CDMA
Qiang Hao;Shi Lianmin;Wang Hongyuan
Research on Removable Media Booting Technology
Hao Yongfang;Su Keqing;Wang Dejun
Research of the Stereoscopic Display and 3D LCD Technique
Feng Maoyan
Research of Disambiguating Combinational Ambiguity in Chinese Word Segmentation Based on CRF
Ding Dexin;Qu Weiguang;Xu Tao;Dong Yu
Visual Tracking Algorithm Based on a Novel Similarity Function
Xia Yu;Wu Xiaojun
Research on the Analysis of Semantic Queries Based on Ontology
Zheng Shiming;Ren Zaian;Song Zilin;Shao Rongming;Dai Rongrong;Pan Mingcong
An Ontology Learning Method Based on Bootstrapping
Zhang Jun;Gao Zhiqiang;Xu Hui;Cai Shiyan;Dai Yunhui
A Data Processing Model for Context Awareness Based on an Uncertainty Reasoning
Zhuang Yanyu;Wang Ruchuan;Ye Ning;Chen Zhi
Applying Syntactic Patterns to Semantic Relation Extraction From a Terminology Dictionary
Zhang Xifu;Dai Yunhui;Gao Zhiqiang
Research on a Mixed Job Scheduling Strategy in Grid Environment
Wu Hao;Feng Xiaohui;Li Changgang;Gao Chengdong
Computing the Reliability of Network With Small Distances Between Adjacent Nodes
He Ming;Qiu Hangping;Hu Aiqun;Luo Chen
Comparison and Analysis of Hash Algorithm Based on Flows
Qiang Shiqing;Cheng Guang
Algorithm of Network Intrusion Detection Based on AdaBoost and PNN
Chen Chunling;Shang Zihao
A Novel Peer to Peer Network Security Route Algorithm Based on Group
Xu He;Wang Ruchuan;Han Zhijie
Implementation of Adapting Aglorithm of Anomalies Detection Based on PCA
Fu Qiang;Gan Liang;Li Aiping;Wu Quanyuan
Classification Methods on Imbalanced Data:a Survey
Yang Ming;Yin Junmei;Ji Genlin
Study on One-Class Classifiers Based On Kernel Method
Feng Aimin;Chen Songcan
Research on Algorithms of the Constrained Clustering
Guo Jianjun;Liang Jingdong;Niu Youqi
An Agent Coordination Framework for Web Services Composition
Luo Jiaqi;Wang Yexian;Li Bin
Applying CLUCENE in Corpus Building
He Sheng;Qu Weiguang;Lu Yajun
Design and Implementation of a Web Crawler for Images
Zhu Xuefang;Han Zhanxiao
Research of Music Classification Based on MFCC Feature and HMM Model
Zhang Yan;Tang Zhenmin;Li Yanping;Zou Yi
Shot Detection Base on Maximum-Between-Cluster-Distance
Guo Zhiqiang;Huang Zhihua
An Algorithm of Double-Level Watermarking Based on DWT and SVD
Yong Shihua;Ma Xiaohu
Improvement of Feature Weighting Algorithm in Text Classification
Shen Zhibin;Bai Qingyuan
Ontology Mapping Based on the Concept Lattice Model
Sheng Yan;Li Yun;Li Tuo;Luan Luan
Multi-Classifier Ensemble Based on Random Feature Subspace
Ye Yunlong;Yang Ming
Temporal Data Management Based on XML
Jiang Xiajun;Pi Dechang
An Alterable Granularity Collision Avoidance Strategy Based on XML
Shi Hao;Zhuang Yi;Wang Kai