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Journal of Nanjing Forestry University(Natural Science Edition)
2000 Issue 4
A Study on the Spatial Distribution Patterns of the Dead Pine Trees of Pine Wilt Nematode Disease
JI Bao-zhong;LIU Shu-wen;DONG Li-na;JU Feng;SUN Hui;SUN Qiang;DAI De-wei
Studies on Resistance Mechanisms of Masson Pine Provenance Resistance to Pine Wood Nematode (PWN)
XU Fu-yuan;GE Ming-hong;ZHANG Pei;ZHAO Zheng-dong;SUN Zhen
Compensation Fee of Forest Environmental Benefits
WU Shui-rong
Effects of Antibiotics on the Pine Wilt Disease
ZHAO Bo-guang;GAO Rong;JU Yun-wei;GUO Dao-sen;GUO Jian
A Preliminary Study on the Relationship Between the Bacterium Isolate B619 and Pine Wilt Disease
ZHAO Bo-guang;GUO Dao-sen;GAO Rong;GUO Jian
Observation of the Site of Pine Wood Nematode where Bacteria are Carried with SEM and TEM
ZHAO Bo-guang;GUO Dao-sen;GAO Rong
The Pathogenic Mechanism of Pine Wilt Disease Caused by Bursaphelenchus xylophilus
GUO Dao-sen;ZHAO Bo-guang;LI Zhou-zhi
Research on Computer Diagnosis System for Automotive Hydraulic Brakeage System
SUI Zhao-ling;MIN Yong-jun;CHEN Min;YANG De-hua
Unbalance Vibration of Turbine Generator Rotor System
CHEN Yong;JIA Xiao-mei
Competition Among Dominant Species in Forest of Betula Luminifera
SONG Ding-quan;JIANG Zhi-lin;ZHENG Zuo-meng;ZHAO Shi-rong
Studies on the Technique of Cross Breeding in Liriodendron
LI Zhou-qi;WANG Zhang-rong
Variation of Chlorothalonil Sensitivity within Sphaeropsis sapinea in China
WU Xiao-qin;HONG Ying-di
Effects of Shading on Photosynthesis and Leaf Yields of Ginkgo
ZHANG Wang-xiang;CAO Fu-liang;WU Jia-sheng;WANG Gui-bing
50-Years Advances in Forest Pathology in China
LI Chuan-dao
A Dynamic Study on Eco-environment Lower Reaches of Tarim River Based on 3S Technique
WANG Rang-hui;SONG Yu-dong;FAN Zi-li;WU Shi-xin;YOU Xian-xiang
Analyses on Supply Function of Forest to the Fluvial Runoff in Dry Season on the Tianshan Mountains
GAO Xin-he;JIANG Zhi-lin;ZHANG Jin-chi;PAN Cun-de
A Study on Regulating Function of Forest on Fluvial Annual Runoff Discharge on Tianshan Mountains
GAO Xin-he;JIANG Zhi-lin;ZHANG Jin-chi;PAN Cun-de
Coppicing Techniques of Poplars and Sustainable Production
FANG Sheng-zuo;XU Xi-zeng;L(U) Shi-xing;LI Guang-you
A Cycad Name Which Should be Misidentified-South China Cycad
WANG Ding-yue