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Journal of Nanjing University of Aeronautics & Astronautics(Social Sciences)
2008 Issue 4
Concept Dimension of Historical Materialism:a New Interpretation
XU Dan;ZHANG Chuan-ping
Development of Sports Industry and Government Intervention
GU Ruo-bing;DU Chang-liang
Exploratory Analysis of Designers' Competence Model in China
ZHAO Wei-jun;CHEN Han-qing;DENG Tan
On the Civil Main Qualification of owners Committee
FANG Jin-hua
Difficult Issues in the Deportation Procedure of Tax Cases
ZONG Hui;DU Jiang
On the Language Features of English Proverbs
XU Guang-lian
A Comparative Study of English and Chinese Numeral Symbols
CAI Zhong-yuan;SI Dong-hong
Developing Technological and Innovative College Teachers:Problems and Solutions
HU En-hua;LIU Yi-ping;MAO Xuan-lan;LIU Guang-ping
On Quality Education in Civil Aviation Flight Technology Education
ZHANG Ming;HAN Song-chen