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Journal of Nanhua University(Medical Edition)
2015 Issue 5
Applications of Functionalized Quantum Dots in Bioanalysis,Imaging and Targeting Delivery
HE Dongxiu;,WANG Danxia;,QUAN Wenjie;,YU Cuiyun;
DADS Inhibit EMT Through Down-Regulation of β-catenin in Human Gastric Cancer MGC803 Cells
xiang zuo lin ;, liu fang ;, xia hong ;, zeng xi ;, su bo ;, dong lin ;, ling zuo ;, su zuo ;
The Fibrinolytic Potential of Treponema Pallidum Metalloprotease
LIU Shuangquan;
The Role of Oxidation/Antioxidant Imbalance in the Age-related Damage of the Rat Central Auditory System
hu ;, gao chun sheng ;, liu lin ;, du zheng de ;
Effect of EPT Against Damages of the Endothelium Induced by Low-density Lipoprotein in Rats
tan bin ;, liu si zuo ;, wang gui xia ;, cao yu ling ;, peng jun ;
The Effect of Kiss-1 High Expression On Inhibiting Invasion and Metastasis of Colon Cancer
liu di qun ;, wen cai ling ;, zhong hua ;, zhou wei wei ;
Simvastatin Improves the Growth of Pulmonary Microvascular Endothelial Cells Incubated in Serum of Neurogenic Pulmonary Edema Rat
fu zuo ;, wang qiao sheng ;, liu yan ;, zhou bin ;, peng zhong tian ;, liang xian zhang ;
In vitro Biological Activities of Paclitaxel Nanoparticles with Dual Ligands
zhou bing ;, liao hai hong ;, chen yan ;, zhang xia ;
Applied Anatomy Research of Recurrent Laryngeal Nerve in Anterior Cervical Approach Operation
luo ming yan ;, fan wei jie ;, xie xing guo ;, wu ya qiong ;, tang fang ;, zhou ke wei ;
The Relationship Between Deceleration Capacity of Rate and the Scope of Coronary Artery Lesions
wu lin ;, liang yu en ;, xu li ;, liu ding hui ;, zhou bin ;, zheng zhen da ;, qian xiao xian ;, zhu jie ming ;, chen lin ;
Correlation Analysis of Serum P-LAP and Outcome of Pregnancy
HUANG Zhihang;,TIAN Chunfang;,WEN Zhanchong;
The Analysis of the Clinical Outcome of Old Ankle Fracture and Dislocation with Posterior Malleolar Fractures,Medial Malleolar Fractures and Syndesmosis Injury
fu yong ;, sun dan fang ;, tan wen fu ;, wang yan ;, tan guang hua ;, wang yan ;
The Clinical Application of the Small Self-designed Negative Pressure Drainage
cao hong ;, liu guo wen ;, wang you quan ;, huang guo ;, feng hai gang ;
Value and Safety of the Bedside Gastroscopes Treatment for Acute Upper Gastrointestinal Bleeding in ICU
gui pei gen ;, zhang kai ;, wu zheng mao ;, mo li ;, luo yong ;, zhang qun feng ;
Controlled Clinical Analysis of Laparoscopic Liver Resection and Open Liver Resection
he geng sheng ;, chen guo dong ;, wen wu ;, zhang wei ;
Clinical Analysis of Functional Dyspepsia and Psychologic Factor
ZHANG Wei;,ZHANG Li;,LIU Zhuoran;
mu zhi zuo bei ce pi ban xiu fu mu zhi mo jie pi fu que sun
wu biao ;
The Analysis of Related Elements About the Stroke Outcome with Tracheostomy
chen min ;, xiang tao ;, xie ming ;, zhang ping ;
er ci kong qi guan chang zhi liao nan fu xing xiao er chang tao die de ti hui
deng li ming ;, xiong guo zuo ;, dai xian peng ;, shen zuo ;, bi guo shan ;, hu bing bing ;, chen jie ;
The Comparison of Three Kinds of Methods Showing the Blood Supply in Head of Pancreas
he qiong ;, ai zi sheng ;, liu mu ;, li mei xiu li ;, liu yang ;, wang xian qin ;, shi xiao tian ;, peng tian hong ;
zhong shu yi dao su xin hao yu - dian fen yang dan bai wen tai yan jiu jin zhan
jin zuo ;, tian shao wen ;, hou li li ;
mir-182 yan jiu jin zhan
jiang jin yan ;, xie hai long ;
zhong dou yang shui zuo bing yang t xi bao lin ba liu 1 li ji wen xian fu xi
wu song jiang ;, wang xiao liu ;, liu zhi jun ;
jing zhui dong tai wen ding qi zhi liao jing zhui bing de quan mian hu li
tan qiong hua ;, liu zan ;
liang zhong zi gong qie chu shu de hu li xiao guo fen xi
jin hui jie ;