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Journal of Jiangxi University of Science and Technology
1999 Issue 4
Study on Thermodynamics of Gold Leaching Process with Thiourea Intensified by Magnetic-field
Luo Xianning;Qiu Tingsheng;Fu Lizhu
Researches on Development and Application ofthe Low-cost Cement Filling Material
Rao Yunzhang;Deng Fei;ZhaO Kui;Huang Wendian;Tu Jianping;Xiong Zhebong;Zhu Jianxin
The Development of Full Parametic CAD System for Joint
Xiao Shiheng
Discussion on the Cut Lengths and Even Velocity of Flying Shear
Shi Xunxie;Zhu Jianwu;Zhong Guoqing
The Investigation about the Measures of Repairing Eccentricity in Tube
Zhong Jianhua;Tang Guozhu;Zhou Haiyong
The Design of FDK - 1 Controller for Automatic Breaker
Hu Shengxi;Hu yong
The Security Management of Windows NT Based Education Netware
Hu Chunan;Hu Shengxi
Application of AHP on Evaluation for Development Strategy Scheme of Copper Industry
Xia WeiwaiLiu ZhifengWang Yan
The Curvature and Torsion of Curve of Winding Mountain Roads
Wei Jinshi
An Application of Hydraulic Cave Explosion to Civil Excavation
Jiao Yongbing;Chen Shaopan;Hua Gang;Chen Shaoan