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Journal of Nanchang University(Natural Science)
2011 Issue 1
Classification and phagocytosis property of hemocytes from Viviparus chinensis
PEI Peng-zu;HU Bao-qing;XIE Yan-hi;WEN Chun-gen
Study of synthesis of 2-aminomethylthiophene
LI Xian-zhi;OUYANG Hong-xia;LIU Yong-jie;WEI Meng;GUAN Cheng-bo;YAN Zhao-hua
Synthesis of network-like nanometer ZnO by microwave technique
GUO Lan;XIE Bing;YAN Ai-ping;XU Peng
Yield function for orthorhombic sheet metals with effects of stress components up to cubic terms
ZHENG Teng-long;YAN Qing-yun;HUANG Mo-jia
Alstructure of mitochondria and immunogold localization of OrfH79 gene product in CMS-HL rice
PENG Xiao-jue;DING Xia;WANG Kun;ZHU You-lin;LI Shao-qing;ZHU Ying-guo
Surface fitting compensation research of diffusible silicon pressure transducer
ZENG Ming-ru;LIU Liang;QIAN Xin;YOU Wen-tang
Higher level stellens(a)tzen for matrices over commutative ring
ZENG Guang-xing;FU Xun
Influence of sputtering pressure on AIN thin films prepared by DC magnetron sputtering
LAI Zhen-quan;ZOU Wen-xiang;LI Hai-yi;LIU Wen-xing
Super efficiency for vector equilibrium problems
GONG Xun-hua;GONG Shu
Initially study of the 16 S rRNA gene in DNA barcoding for snakes from JIANGXI
DENG Li-bin;TANG Xiao-li;SHAO Jian-ming;XIONG Zhi-yong;XIONG Jia-qiang;XIONG Dan-qun;FANG Jing;LONG Fei;CHEN Ji-guang;XIAO Li;WANG Yan
Prepariation and electromagnetic properties of Ni-Zn ferrite
LUO Guang-sheng;LI Jian-de;JIANG Gui-wen;ZHOU Zheng-you
Borel direction of two algebroidal function
HUO Ying-ying;KONG Yin-ying
Simulation platform for teleopearator with PI controller and time-delay
HU Ling-yan;LIU Guo-ping;LIU Xiao-ping;XIN Yong
Metric characterizations of space forms under geodesic polar coordinates
WANG Yan-ping;GUO Xin-wei;YU Jian-hua
RAPD analysis of Monopterus albus (Zuiew) populations in Poyang Lake
LI Zhi-qin;ZHAO Da-xian;OUYANG Shan;CHEN Tang-hua;DAI Yin-Gen;WU Xiao-ping
Positive cones and orderings in commutative semiring
XIAO Shui-jing