Simulation research of gas seepage based on Lattice Boltzmann method
TAN Yun-liang;YIN Yan-chun;TENG Gui-rong;ZHAO Zhi-gang;TIAN Zhi-wei;State Key Laboratory of Mining Disaster Prevention and Control Co-founded by Shandong Province and the Ministry of Science and Technology;Shandong University of Science and Technology;Faculty of Earth Resources;China University of Geosciences;
Test and analysis on stress fields caused by rock bolting
KANG Hong-pu;JIANG Peng-fei;CAI Jia-fang;Coal Mining and Design Department;Tiandi Science and Technology Co.;Ltd.;Coal Mining and Design Branch;China Coal Research Institute;State Key Laboratory of Coal Mining and Clean Utilization;
Supports crushing types in the longwall mining of shallow seams
XU Jia-lin;ZHU Wei-bing;JU Jin-feng;State Key Laboratory of Coal Resources and Safe Mining;China University of Mining and Technology;School of Mines;China University of Mining and Technology;IoT/Perception Mine Research Center;China University of Mining and Technology;The National and Local Joint Engineering Laboratory of Internet Application Technology on Mine;China University of Mining and Technology;
A model of safe drainage of coal seam gas
ZHOU Fu-bao;WANG Xin-xin;XIA Tong-qiang;Key Laboratory of Gas and Fire Control for Coal Mines;Ministry of Education;China University of Mining and Technology;School of Safety Engineering;China University of Mining and Technology;State Key Laboratory for Geomechanics and Deep Underground Engineering;China University of Mining and Technology;
Coal-hosted rare metal deposits:Genetic types,modes of occurrence,and utilization evaluation
DAI Shi-feng;REN De-yi;ZHOU Yi-ping;Vladimir V Seredin;LI Da-hua;ZHANG Ming-quan;James C Hower;Colin R Ward;WANG Xi-bo;ZHAO Lei;SONG Xiao-lin;State Key Laboratory of Coal Resources and Safe Mining;China University of Mining and Technology;Yunnan Institute of Coal Geology Prospection;Institute of Geology of Ore Deposits;Petrography;Mineralogy;and Geochemistry;Russian Academy of Sciences;Moscow 119017;Russia;Chongqing Institute of Geology and Mineral Resources;University of Kentucky Center for Applied Energy Research;Lexington;Kentucky 40511;United States;School of Biological;Earth and Environmental Sciences;University of New South Wales;Sydney;NSW 2052;Australia;
Sequence-paleogeography and coal accumulation of the CarboniferousPermian in the North China Basin
SHAO Long-yi;DONG Da-xiao;LI Ming-pei;WANG Hai-sheng;WANG Dong-dong;LU Jing;ZHENG Ming-quan;CHENG Ai-guo;College of Geoscience and Surveying Engineering;China University of Mining and Technology;State Key Laboratory of Coal Resources and Safe Mining;China University of Mining and Technology;Shaanxi Coalfield Geology Bureau Investigation Research Institute;Shanxi Coal Geology Surveys Research Institute;China National Administration of Coal Geology;