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Journal of China Coal Society
2014 Issue 11
Model test on the strength of young shotcrete under blasting load
SHAN Ren-liang;GENG Hui-hui;L Jin-yang;JIAO Shao-peng;School of Mechanics and Civil Engineering;China University of Mining and Technology;
Anti-floor heaven mechanical model and application of closed U-shaped support formed by straight wall and semicircular arch
TANG Fu-rong;LIU Na;ZHENG Xi-gui;College of Sciences;China University of Mining & Technology;School of Mines;China University of Mining & Technology;
Evolution of the deformation fields of different outburst proneness coal specimens
L Yu-kai;JIANG Yao-dong;School of Mechanics and Civil Engineering;China University of Mining and Technology;State Key Laboratory of Coal Resources and Safe Mining;China University of Mining and Technology;
Mechanism of dynamic and static combined load inducing rock burst in thin coal seam
HE Jiang;DOU Lin-ming;CAI Wu;LI Zhen-lei;DING Yan-lu;School of Mines;China University of Mining and Technology;Key Laboratory of Deep Coal Resource Mining;Ministry of Education of China;China University of Mining and Technology;State Key Laboratory of Coal Resource and Safe Mining;China University of Mining and Technology;
Numerical simulation of coal uniaxial loading acoustic emission based on SPH
SUN Chao-qun;CHENG Guo-qiang;LI Shu-cai;LI Li-ping;XU Zhen-hao;GUO Ming;LIN Peng;Research Center of Geotechnical and Structural Engineering;Shandong University;Mine Disaster Prevention and Control Laboratory;Shandong University of Science and Technology;Key Laboratory of Coal Resources Exploration and Comprehensive Utilization;Ministry of Land and Resources;
Study on the coal creep test based on the improved Nishihara model
YANG Yu;LI Ying;ZHOU Xiao-ke;Institute of Civil Engineering and Transportation;Liaoning Technology University;Shanghai Jing Hai Engineering Technology Co.;Ltd.;
A new accelerated creep constitutive model based on the strain energy theory
SHEN Cai-hua;ZHANG Bing;WANG Wen-wu;College of Civil and Transportation Engineering;Hohai University;State Key Laboratory of Geomechanics and Deep Underground Engineering;China University of Mining and Technology;
Autoregressive moving average model and its parameter estimation for earth pressure balance system of shield
LI Shou-ju;HUO Jun-zhou;CAO Li-juan;State Key Laboratory of Structural Analysis for Industrial Equipment;Dalian University of Technology;School of Mechanical Engineering;Dalian University of Technology;School of Mechanical and Power Engineering;Dalian Ocean University;
Shaft deformation monitoring scheme design and algorithm based on WTLS
TAN Xing-long;WANG Yan;WANG Jian;HAN Hou-zeng;WANG Bin;School of Environment and Spatial Informatics;China University of Mining and Technology;School of Chemical Engineering and Technology;China University of Mining and Technology;School of Geodesy and Geomatics;Wuhan University;
Mesoscopic evolution of coal containing gas’ s shear fracture
XU Jiang;FENG Dan;CHENG Li-chao;ZHANG Xian-meng;TAN Hao-yue;LIU Jing;State Key Laboratory of Coal Mine Disaster Dynamics and Control;Chongqing University;State and Local Joint Engineering Laboratory of Methane Drainage in Complex Coal Gas Seam;Chongqing University;
Resistivity response in complete stress-strain process of loaded coal
WANG En-yuan;CHEN Peng;LI Zhong-hui;SHEN Rong-xi;XU Jian-kun;ZHU Ya-fei;School of Safety Engineering;China University of Mining & Technology;Key Laboratory of Gas and Fire Control for Coal Mines;Ministry of Education of China;China University of Mining & Technology;School of Safety Engineering;North China Institute of Science and Technology;School of Mines;China University of Mining & Technology;
A model based on explosive stress wave and tectonic coal zone which gestate dangerous state of coal and gas outburst
CHANG Wei-bin;FAN Shao-wu;ZHANG Lang;SHU Long-yong;Mine Safety Technology Research Branch;China Coal Research Institute;State Key Laboratory of Coal Resource High-Efficiency Mining and Clean Utilization;
Experimental study on inhibiting the gas explosion by charged water mist
YU Ming-gao;LIANG Dong-lin;XU Yong-liang;ZHENG Kai;JI Wen-tao;School of Safety Science and Engineering;Henan Polytechnic University;State Key Laboratory of Coal Resource and Safe Mining;China University of Mining and Technology;
Quick test method for the experimental period minimum of coal to spontaneous combustion
WANG De-ming;QI Guan-sheng;QI Xu-yao;XIN Hai-hui;ZHONG Xiao-xing;DOU Guo-lan;State Key Laboratory of Coal Resource and Safe Mining;China University of Mining and Technology;School of Safety Engineering;China University of Mining and Techonology;
Comparative research on the influence of dioxide carbon and nitrogen on performance of coal spontaneous combustion
SHAO Hao;JIANG Shu-guang;WU Zheng-yan;ZHANG Wei-qing;WANG Kai;School of Safety Engineering;China University of Mining & Technology;State Key Laboratory Cultivation Base for Gas Geology and Gas Control;State Key Laboratory of Coal Resources and Safe Mining;China University of Mining & Technology;
Influence of wall heat loss on the thermal flow-reversal oxidation of ultra-low heating value coalbed methane
WANG Peng-fei;FENG Tao;CHEN Li-juan;JIA Zhen-zhen;School of Energy & Safety Engineering;Hunan University of Science & Technology;Hunan Provincial Key Laboratory of Safe Mining Techniques of Coal Mines;Hunan University of Science & Technology;School of Chemistry & Chemical Engineering;Hunan University of Science & Technology;
Study of coal dust wettability based on FTIR
CHENG Wei-min;XUE Jiao;ZHOU Gang;NIE Wen;LIU Lin-sheng;State Key Laboratory of Mining Disaster Prevention and Control Co-founded by Shandong Province and the Ministry of Science and Technology;Shandong University of Science & Technology;College of Mining & Safety Engineering;Shandong University of Science & Technology;Zhaolou Mine;Yanzhou Coal Mining Heze Energy and Chemicals Ltd.;
Experimental study on permeability characteristics in complete evolution process of coal structure and its significance
GUO Hong-yu;BAI Yang;LIN Hai-xiao;LI Guang-sheng;SU Xian-bo;State Key Laboratory Cultivation Base for Gas Geology and Gas Control;School of Energy Science and Engineering;Henan Polytechnic University;Collaborative Innovation Center of Coalbed Methane and Shale Gas for Central Plains Economic Region;
Optimization design for the geometry parameters of slotted liner in coalbed methane horizontal wells
YANG Rui-yue;HUANG Zhong-wei;LI Gen-sheng;FU Xuan;YUAN Jin-ping;State Key Laboratory of Petroleum Resources and Prospecting;China University of Petroleum;Research Institute of Drilling Engineering;Chinese National Petroleum Corp.;
Instability mechanics criterion of inclined water-resisting key strata in coal seam floor
SUN Jian;WANG Lian-guo;The Key Laboratory of Safe and High-efficiency Mining of Ministry of Education;Anhui University of Science & Technology;State Key Laboratory of Coal Resources and Safe Mining;China University of Mining & Technology;State Key Laboratory for Geomechanics & Deep Underground Engineering;China University of Mining & Technology;
Optimizing fracture intersection analysis procedure in 3D fracture network seepage simulation
LI Zhi-yu;WANG Ming-yu;ZHAO Jian-hui;WANG Hui-fang;College of Resources and Environment;University of Chinese Academy of Sciences;Center for Water System Security;University of Chinese Academy of Sciences;College of Computer and Information Engineering;Henan University;
FTIR analysis of Yunnan Lignite
HAN Feng;ZHANG Yan-guo;MENG Ai-hong;LI Qing-hai;Key Laboratory for Thermal Science and Power Engineering of Ministry of Education;Tsinghua University;Beijing Key Laboratory for CO2Utilization and Reduction Technology;Tsinghua University;Department of Thermal Engineering;Tsinghua University;
Seasonal variation of soil respiration and its environmental effect factors on refactoring soil in coal mine reclamation area
ZHENG Yong-hong;ZHANG Zhi-guo;HU You-biao;YAO Duo-xi;CHEN Xiao-yang;School of Earth and Environment;Anhui University of Science and Technology;Key Laboratory of Mine Geological Hazard and Control;Anhui Province;Anhui University of Science and Technology;
Isolation and identification of SRB and its utilization on processing of acid mine drainage of coal gangue dump
TANG Jie-lin;HE Huan;ZHANG Wen-juan;HONG Fen-fen;ZHANG Shu-ya;SUN Meng;TAO Xiu-xiang;School of Chemical Engineering and Technology;China University of Mining and Technology;Key Laboratory of Coal Processing and Efficient Utilization;Ministry of Education;China University of Mining and Technology;
Preparation and application of anionic-nonionic surfactant microemulsified collector
LI Lin;LIU Jiong-tian;WANG Yun-lai;L Xian-jun;LI Shu-qiang;Chemical and Environmental Engineering College;Shandong University of Science and Technology;National Engineering Research Center of Coal Preparation and Purification;China University of Mining & Technology;Tangshan Senpu Engineering Design Co.;Ltd.;
PIV study on spray field of coal-water slurry air-blast electrostatic atomization
ZHENG Jie-qing;HE Hong-zhou;School of Physics and Mechanical & Electrical Engineering;Xiamen University;Fujian Province Key Laboratory of Energy Cleaning Utilization and Development;
Effects of coal macerals on the pore structure and electrochemical performances of activated carbon
XING Bao-lin;GUO Hui;CHEN Lun-jian;ZHANG Chuan-xiang;HUANG Guang-xu;XU Bing;YI Gui-yun;School of Materials Science and Engineering;Henan Polytechnic University;Cultivating Base for Key Laboratory of Environment-friendly Inorganic Materials in University of Henan Province;
Measuring and analyzing on viscosity-temperature characteristic of high temperature coal tar
SHI Qiang;ZHANG Zhong-xiao;CAO Xian-chang;WANG Fang;GU Kai-ying;School of Energy and Power Engineering;University of Shanghai for Science and Technology;School of Machanical and Power Engineering;Shanghai Jiaotong University;Shanghai Baosteel Engineering and Technology Group Company Limited;
Distribution of equivalent stresses and deformations for 6 strand warrington-seale rope with an independent wire rope core
WU Juan;KOU Zi-ming;LIU Yu-hui;WU Guo-xiong;College of Mechanical Engineering;Taiyuan University of Technology;Shanxi Provincial Engineering Laboratory for Mine Fluid Control;
Design and manufacture of lightweight for spiral bevel gear with double pressure angles of mining reducer
XIAO Wang-qiang;Department of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering;Xiamen University;
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