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Journal of China Coal Society
2013 Issue 1
Model test of site blasting at tunnel exit
WANG Jia-le;YANG Ze-jin;LI Yi
Sequence-paleogeography and coal accumulation of the early and middle Jurassic in the Junggar Basin
WANG Tong1;2;TIAN Ye2;3;SHAO Long-yi2;LU Jing2;Beijing 100083;China;3.Geological Publishing House;Beijing 100083;China)
Effect of experiment of different pretreatment methods and simulating biogenic methane production on coal structure
XIA Da-ping1;SU Xian-bo1;WU Yu2;CHEN Xin1;WANG San-shuai1
In-situ stress and coal reservoir pressure in Southeast margin of Ordos basin and their coupling relations
MENG Zhao-ping1;2;LAN Qiang1;LIU Cui-li1;JI Yi-ming1;LI Shi-nan1;ZHANG Xiao-ming1;Beijing 100083;China;2.Key Laboratory of Geological Hazards on Three Gorges Reservoir Area;Ministry of Education;China Three Gorges University;Yichang 443002;China)
Fractal characteristics of adsorption pores of tectonic coal from Zhongliangshan southern coalmine
SONG Xiao-xia1;2;TANG Yue-gang1;LI Wei2;WANG Shao-qing1;YANG Ming-xian3;Beijing 100083;China;2.College of Mining Engineering;Taiyuan University of Technology;Taiyuan 030024;China;3.Chongqing Institute of Geology and Mineral Resources;Chongqing 400042;China)
Effects of shearing strength in slurry conditioning on coal slime flotation
MA Li-qiang;WEI Lu-bin;JIANG Xing-hua;ZHAO Xiao-yong;CHEN Qing-ru;Beijing 100083;China)
Flow field simulation of the composite slime cyclone
WEI Ge-lao;LIU Wen-li;LIANG Peng-fei;ZU Wei;Beijing 100083;China)
Efficient step-by-step extracion of vanadium and silicium from stone coal cinder
ZHANG Guo-fan;YAN Ji-wu;LIU Kun;FENG Qi-ming;OU Le-ming;LU Yi-ping
The effects of hydrogen on the desulfurization behavior of iron oxide sorbents
LIU Sheng-xin;FAN Hui-ling;SUN Ting;CHEN Zhao-hui;SHANGGUAN Ju;LIANG Li-tong
Theory and technology of goaf gas drainage with large-diameter surface boreholes
YUAN Liang1;GUO Hua2;LI Ping1;LIANG Yun-pei2;LIAO Bin-chen1 Co.Ltd.;Huainan 232001;China;2.The Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation;PO Box 883;Kenmore;Queensland;4069;Australia)
Coal and gas outburst analogous test under the different diameter of exposed coal seam surface
XU Jiang1;2;LIU Dong1;2;PENG Shou-jian1;2;ZHOU Wen-jie1;2;CHENG Ming-jun1;2
Experimental study on gas desorption of tectonic coal at initial stage
LI Yun-bo1;2;ZHANG Yu-gui1;ZHANG Zi-min1;JIANG Bo2;Jiaozuo 454000;China;2.School of Resource and Earth Science;China University of Mining & Technology;Xuzhou 221008;China)
A new practical methodology of coal seam floor water burst evaluation:the comparison study among ANN,the weight of evidence and the logistic regression vulnerable index method based on GIS
WU Qiang1;ZHANG Bo1;ZHAO Wen-de2;LIU Shou-qiang1;Beijing 100083;China;2.Environmental Impact Assessment Research Center;Environmental Development Center of Ministry of Environment Protection;Beijing 100029;China)
Distribution of PM2.5 dust during mining operation in coal workface
NIE Bai-sheng1;2;LI Xiang-chun1;2;YANG Tao1;2;HU Wei-xi1;2;GUO Jian-hua1;2);Beijing 100083;China;2.School of Resource & Safety Engineering;China University of Mining & Technology;Beijing 100083;China)
Prediction model of coal spontaneous combustion critical point and the characteristics of adiabatic oxidation phase
TAN Bo1;2;ZHU Hong-qing1;2;WANG Hai-yan1;HAO Yu-ze1;JIA Guo-wei1;Beijing 100083;China;2.School of Resource and Safety Engineering;China University of Mining and Technology;Beijing 100083;China)
Natural potential response during the coal rock failure process
WU Chao-fan1;2;LIU Sheng-dong2;3;YANG Sheng-lun4;LU Tuo3;WANG Bo3
zhi xie
zong he xin xi
FBG monitoring test on settlement deformation of overlaying strata in similar models
CHAI Jing1;2;ZHAO Wen-hua1;3;LI Yi1;2;CUI Chen1;3;WANG Dao-cheng1
Numerical study of joint shear dilatation coupling seepage characteristic of rock mass and experiential formula
ZHAO Yan-lin1;2;WANG Wei-jun1;2;WAN Wen1;2;ZHAO Fu-jun1;2;WANG Min1;2
Elasto-plastic analysis of collapse pressure for deep coal seam drilling based on Hoek-Brown criterion
ZHANG Li-song1;YAN Xiang-zhen1;YANG Xiu-juan1;TIAN Zhong-lan2;YANG Heng-lin2
Jamming mechanism of full face tunnel boring machine in over thousand-meter depths
LIU Quan-sheng1;2;HUANG Xing1;SHI Kai1;LIU Xue-wei1
Study of the relationship between the Kouquan fault and strong ground pressure in Tongxin Coal Mine
YU Bin1;2;CHEN Ying3;HAN Jun3;LIU Jin-rong1
Study on the failure depth of thick seam floor in deep mining
ZHANG Rui1;JIANG Zhen-quan1;LI Xiu-han2;CHAO Hai-de2;SUN Qiang1