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Journal of China Coal Society
2011 Issue 4
shi er wu gui hua gang yao jie xuan
zhong yao qi shi
ben kan bian ji bu
MEFA in mine ecosystem
Surrounding rock stability control theory and support technique in deep rock roadway for coal mine
YUAN Liang1;XUE Jun-hua1;LIU Quan-sheng2;LIU Bin2
Experimental study on the upward mining of the left-over coal above gob area mined with caving method in Baijiazhuang Coal Mine
FENG Guo-rui1;REN Ya-feng1;WANG Xian-xia2;LI Ji-zu1;KANG Li-xun1
The effect of earth pressure on ground settlement after frozen soil thawing in connect aisle construction of metro engineering
LIU Bo1;2;LI Dong-yang1;LIAO Jian-jun1;3;Beijing 100083;China;2.State Key Laboratory of Geomechanics & Deep Engineering;Beijing 100083;China;3.The Science and Technology Research Institute of Guangzhou Railway Corporation;Guangzhou 510600;China)
Deformation and failure law and its control technology of roadway with large section
ZHOU Zhi-li1;BAI Jian-biao2;XIAO Tong-qiang2;XU Lei2;ZHANG Ke-xue2;Beijing 100083;China;2.School of Mines;State Key Laboratory of Coal Resources and Mine Safety;China University of Mining and Technology;Xuzhou 221008;China)
Digital speckle experimental research on deformation localization of soft rock
ZHANG Dong-ming1;2;HU Qian-ting2;WANG Hao3
Calculation of loss ratio and dilution ratio on end ore drawing based on random medium ore-drawing theory
LIU Zhen-dong;TAO Gan-qiang;REN Qing-yun;YANG Dong-sheng
Status and prospect of transparent soil experimental technique
SUI Wang-hua1;GAO Yue1;LIU Jin-yuan2
In-situ stress characteristics and geological structure genetic mechanism in Zhaolou mine field
JIANG Chun-lu1;JIANG Zhen-quan1;YANG Wei-feng1;SUN Qiang2;ZHU Shu-yun1;LI Yao-min3
Study on the distribution laws of mining pressure field and its control action on dynamic disasters in coal mines
WANG Zhen1;2;HU Qian-ting1;2;WEN Guang-cai1;2;SUN Dong-ling1;2
Seismic physical modeling research on coal measure strata in Huainan
HAN Tang-hui1;2;DAI Shi-xin1;LI Xiao-hua1;ZOU Guan-gui1;Beijing 100083;China;2.Hebei Administration of Coal Mine Safety;Shijiazhuang 050051;China)
Experimental study on the excess-enthalpy combustion of low concentration methane in ceramic foams
SONG Zheng-chang1;LIN Bai-quan2;ZHOU Shi-ning2
Experimental study for screening of dispersion agents used in CBM stimulation
ZHANG Jin1;ZHAO Jun2;LIN Xin1;ZHANG Ping1;GUO Ben-guang2;ZHANG Shi-cheng1
Research on pressure distribution regularity of complicatedly geologic CBM reservoir with multi-well exploitation
CHEN Tian-yu;LIANG Bing;SUN Wei-ji;ZHAO Fang-fang;LIU Ji-nan
Fisher discriminant analysis model and application of classifying difficulty degree of water infusion for coal seam
YUAN Zhi-gang1;WANG Hong-tu1;2;HU Guo-zhong3;LIU Nian-ping1;FAN Xiao-gang1
Effects of land disturbance on surface temperature in large opencast coal mine
XIE Miao-miao;BAI Zhong-ke;FU Mei-chen;ZHOU Wei;YUAN Tao;Beijing 100083;China;2.Key Laboratory of the Ministry of Land and Resources of China for Land Regulation;Beijing 100035;China)
Determine the warning value of drilling cuttings weight coal and rock dynamic disaster through electromagnetic radiation
GAO Zhong-hong1;2;HE Fu-lian1;MENG Jun-qing1;Wang-bo1;Beijing 100083;China;2.Shanxi Vocational and Technical College of Coal;Taiyuan 030031;China)
Coal and gas outburst prediction based on improved decision tree ID3 algorithm
LI Ding-qi1;2;CHENG Yuan-ping1;WANG Hai-feng1;WANG Liang1;ZHOU Hong-xing1;SUN Jian-hua2
Basic research and simulation of rectifying crude phenol recovered from low temperature coal tar
BAI Xiao-yan;QU Si-jian;WANG Li-bin;ZHANG Yang;WANG Shi-yu
Extraction and GC/MS analysis of phenolic compounds in low temperature coal tar from Northern Shaanxi
WANG Ru-cheng1;2;3;SUN Ming1;2;3;LIU Qiao-xia1;2;3;MA Yan-xing1;2;3; FENG Guang1;2;3;XU Long1;2;3;MA Xiao-xun1;2;3
The characteristics of anthracite briquette carbonization and the regularity of pyrolysis gas generation during carbonization
ZHANG Yong-fa1;ZHANG Hui-rong1;TIAN Fang2;SUN Ya-ling1
Dissolution characteristics of alkaline industrial wastes in wet flue gas desulphurization
ZHAO Jian-li1;FAN Zhao-yan2;LI Ying-jie1;HAN Kui-hua1;LU Chun-mei1
Thermogravimetric analysis and study on calcination kinetics of industrial wastes
ZHANG Lei1;TIAN Yuan2;LU Chun-mei3
Impactive crushing and separation experiment of coal and gangue
LI Jian-ping;DU Chang-long;XU Long-jiang
Effect analysis of prevention rib spalling system in hydraulic support
ZHANG Yin-liang;LIU Jun-feng;PANG Yi-hui;LIU Cheng-feng
Characteristic analysis of shearer cutting load based on particle filter
XU Zhi-peng;WANG Zhong-bin
Research on the multi-hop performance of underground mine emergency communication system based on WMN
SONG Wen;DAI Jian-bo;WANG Fei;GAO Yan-peng
zhong yao qi shi
ben kan bian ji bu
guan yu ben kan shou qu gao jian shen li fei de tong zhi
ben kan bian ji bu