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Journal of China Coal Society
2010 Issue 8
Time-frequency analysis based on single-stage addition of waveforms of blasting vibration signals
ZHAO Ming-sheng;ZHANG Jian-hua;YI Chang-ping
Study on the stability of rock slope without obvious sliding surface
YAN Zhi-xin1;2;DUAN Jian1;2;WANG Hou-yu3
The coupling laws between fissure field and gas flow field under an extremely thick igneous rock
WANG Liang1;2;CHENG Yuan-ping1;2;JIANG Jing-yu1;2;GUO Pin-kun1;2;WANG Li-guo1;2;YANG Yun1;2
Micro thermal dynamics analysis on mine supporting wood under the effect of flame wave after methane explosions
DUAN Yu-long1;ZHANG Hong-min2;ZHOU Xin-quan1;FENG Xiao-guang1;WANG Yi1;WANG Pu1;Beijing 100083;China;2.Teaching Affairs Division;Henan University of Urban Construction;Pingdingshan 467000;China)
Flame propagation of methane-coal dust explosion in closed vessel
BI Ming-shu;LI Jiang-bo
Regular analysis of the human metabolism carbon monoxide in coal mine refuge chamber
LI Jing;JIN Long-zhe;WANG Sheng;YANG Yu-feng
Experimental research on the relationship between nozzle spray pressure and atomization particle size
CHENG Wei-min;ZHOU Gang;ZUO Qian-ming;NIE Wen;WANG Gang
Filed test of comprehensive treatment method for high pressure dynamic grouting
ZHANG Xiao1;LI Shu-cai1;ZHANG Qing-song1;LI Hai-yan1;WU Wen-dong2;LIU Ren-tai1;LIN Ming-yuan2
Relationship of the permeability and geological strength index (GSI) of coal reservoir and its significance
GUO Hong-yu;SU Xian-bo;XIA Da-ping;NI Xiao-ming;LI Guang-sheng
Application of fault’s information dimensions among different coal seams in the prediction of deep coal resources exploitation
WU Yu-dong1;JU Yi-wen1;HOU Quan-lin1;PAN Jie-nan1;2;ZHANG Yang1;FAN Jun-jia1
A DC electrical penetration method for prospecting the coal face alone the same coal layer
LI Dan;HAN De-pin;SHI Ya-ding;SHI Xue-feng
Adsorption equilibrium and diffusion of CH4,N2 and CO2 in coconut shell activated carbon
ZHANG Bo1;GU Min1;XIAN Xue-fu1;LIN Wen-sheng2
Isotopic characteristics of water within the soil-vegetation-atmosphere system in the Yushenfu mining area
WANG Li1;2;WEI San-ping1;2;3;ZHANG Qing-feng1;WANG Quan-jiu2;LI Shi-qing1;2
Viscosity changes of Heishan coal-oil slurry at coal direct liquefaction condition
XIAO Nai-you1;2;ZHANG Rong-zeng1;Beijing 100083;China;2.Beijing Research In-stitute of Coal Chemistry;China Coal Research Institute;Beijing 100013;China)
Study on dense-phase conveying experiments of pulverized coal with various external moisture contents at high pressure
XU Pan;CHEN Xiao-ping;LIANG Cai;ZHAO Chang-sui;LIU Bo;XU Gui-ling;LI Hai-xin
Effects of additives on Ningxia coal pyrolysis behavior
YANG Hui-min;WANG Mei-jun;ZHANG Yu-long;CHANG Li-ping
Numerical simulation and experiment on pressure drop of a co-current rotating packed bed
JIN Ying-gui1;LI Shuang-yue1;LI Ping2;TIAN Ping1;ZHANG Ya-nan1;LI Xiang1
Study on settlement characteristic of the grain in fluidized bed
GUI Xia-hui;LI Yan-feng;LIU Jiong-tian;WANG Yong-tian;CAO Yi-jun
Test study on failure mechanism of the surrounding rock of inclined shaft in thick gravel stratum with abundant water (Ⅱ)
YUE Zhong-wen1;2;YANG Ren-shu1;2;SUN Zhong-hui2;3;DOU Bo-yang2;YANG Li-yun2;Beijing 100083;China;3.Xinwen Mining Group Co.Ltd.;Xintai 271233;China)
Ignition characteristic prediction model for blending coal based on least squares support vector machine
CHANG Ai-ying1;WU Tie-jun1;BAO Xin1;JIANG Ai-peng2
Coupled deflection analysis of SMA fiber hybrid active thin-walled composite structures
YANG Shu-lian1;2;REN Yong-sheng3;WANG Xiao-hui3;ZHU Zhi-lin1
Numerical simulation on effect of aerodynamic performance of airfoil with slot on reverse ventilation of axial-flow fan
CHEN Geng-lin1;WANG Li-jun1;YAN Xiao-kang2;YAN Zhao-fen3
Position sensorless control of the switched reluctance motor using adaptive network fuzzy inference system (ANFIS)
WU Jiang-liao;YI Ling-zhi;PENG Han-mei;LIU Xiang;DENG Wen-lang
Computation model of visual attention for coal-mine surveillance video based on sequential scale space and multi-features
ZHOU Lei1;2;HUA Gang1;XU Zhao1;XU Dong-mei1;LI Deng-wang2;3
mei tan xue bao zheng gao jian ze
Optimization research of stope structural parameters in sublevel caving with non-pillar
TAO Gan-qiang1;LIU Zhen-dong1;REN Feng-yu2;REN Qing-yun1
Strength reduction method to study safety of multilayer goafs isolation roof
ZHAO Yan-lin1;2;WANG Wei-jun1;2;ZHAO Fu-jun1;2;WAN Wen1;2
zong he xin xi
Incline masonry structure around the coal face of steeply dipping seam mining
WU Yong-ping1;2;XIE Pan-shi1;2;WANG Hong-wei1;2;REN Shi-guang1;2
Calculation method of probability integration method parameters based on support vector machine
LI Pei-xian1;2;TAN Zhi-xiang1;2;YAN Li-li1;2;DENG Ka-zhong1;2
Heteromorphy of the overlying strata movement caused by mining under the unconformity strata
WANG Jin-an;JI Hong-guang;ZHANG Yan
Tunnel reflection wave imaging technology and its system during driving space
ZHANG Ping-song1;LIU Sheng-dong2;WU Jian-sheng3