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Journal of China Coal Society
2010 Issue 12
Borehole observation methods in coal and rock mass and their applications
KANG Hong-pu;SI Lin-po;SU Bo
Study on mechanism of mining tremor induced by key strata instability in the gob beside the working face
WEI Dong1;2;HE Hu3;QIN Yuan-feng3;FAN Jun3;ZHOU Peng2
Research on goaf filling methods with super high-water material
FENG Guang-ming1;SUN Chun-dong1;2;WANG Cheng-zhen1;ZHOU Zhen1
Investigation on the characteristics of energy dissipation in the preparation process of coal bumps
ZHAO Yi-xin1;2;JIANG Yao-dong1;2;TIAN Su-peng1;2;Beijing 100083;China;2.School of Mechanics and Civil Engineering;China University of Mining and Technology;Beijing 100083;China)
Post-peak softening of porosiyt coal and its influence to rock burst occurred in work face
LIU Shu-xin1;2;LIU Chang-wu1;CAO Lei1
Dynamic pre-evaluation system of bursting hazard based on geological conditions
PENG Yong-wei1;2;LAN Hang1;2;WANG Shu-wen1;2;PAN Jun-feng1;2;QI Qing-xin1;2
Microseismic predicting coal bump by time series method
Lü Jin-guo1;2;PAN Li3;Beijing 100083;China;3.School of Mechanics and Civil Engineering;China University of Mining and Technology;Beijing 100083;China)
Burst failure effect of mining-induced tremor on roadway surrounding rock
CAO An-ye1;FAN Jun1;MU Zong-long1;GUO Xiao-qiang1;2
Five indexes of microseismic and their application in rock burst forecastion
XIA Yong-xue1;2;3;KANG Li-jun2;3;QI Qing-xin2;3;MAO De-bing1;2;3;REN Yong1;2;3;LAN Hang1;2;3;PAN Jun-feng1;2;3
The method to identify the optimal channel numbers for increasing the location accuracy of microseismic events in coal mine
GONG Si-yuan1;2;DOU Lin-ming2;MA Xiao-ping1;LIU Jian2
Limestone failure law and post-failure constitutive relation in the control of lateral deformation
WANG Dong1;2;WANG Ding1;2;HAN Xiao-gang1;2;ZHOU Xiao-ming1;2
The energy variety analysis of rock under biaxial compression
LI Li-yun1;2;WANG Rong-xin1;MA Xu1;ZHAO Zhan-wen1;XU Yan-yan1;LU Jing-fang1;Beijing 100083;China;2.State Key Laboratory of Coal Resources and Safe Mining;China University of Mining and Technology;Beijing 100083;China)
Study on the rules of electrical resistivity variation of tectonic coal in uniaxial compression experiment
MENG Lei1;LIU Ming-ju2;WANG Yun-gang2;Beijing 100083;China;2.School of Safety Science and Engineering;Henan Polytechnic University;Jiaozuo 454003;China)
Numerical simulation and its application of dust concentration spatial distribution regularities in fully-mechanized caving face
ZHOU Gang1;2;CHENG Wei-min1;2;CHEN Lian-jun1;2;NIE Wen1;2
Prediction of spontaneous combustion in caving zone based on rough set and support vector machine
MENG Qian1;WANG Yong-sheng2;3;ZHOU Yan2
Theoretical analysis and experimental study on backflow smoke of mine laneway wood fire
JIAO Yu1;ZHOU Xin-quan2;KANG Yu-tao1;Beijing 100083;China)
Grade classification of spontaneous combustion tendency for sulfide ores based on distance discriminant analysis theory
YANG Fu-qiang1;2;WU Chao1;2;LI Zi-jun1;2;PAN Wei1;2;LIU Hui1;2
Application of fractal theory on flocculant choice of difficult clarified coal slurry
WANG Yong-tian1;ZHANG Ming-qing2;LIU Jiong-tian1
Research on the radiation characteristics of symmetrical dipole antenna in rectangular tunnel
SUN Ji-ping;GAO Mei-feng;Beijing 100083;China)
mei tan xue bao 2010 nian zong mu ci
mei tan xue bao zheng gao jian ze
Geomechanical mechanism of rock burst in deep level of Datai Mine
ZHAO Tong-bin1;2;TAN Yun-liang1;2;ZHANG Ze1
Study on the influencing factors of concrete compressive strength after elevated temperature
LIANG Ai-li1;ZHANG Qian-qian2;YUAN Guang-lin2;DONG Ya-nan3
AVO forward method of anisotropic thin coal bed
DENG Xiao-juan;PENG Su-ping;LIN Qing-xi;GOU Jing-wei;DU Wen-feng;Beijing 100083;China)
Microseismic wave propagation velocity insitu experiment and calculation
WANG Jin-qiang1;2;JIANG Fu-xing1;2;Lü Wen-sheng1;2;WANG Cun-wen1;2
A method and its application of scattered-wave image for low signal-to-noise seismic data
YIN Jun-jie1;XING Chun-ying1;WANG Wei2
The translatory bumps model of coal containing gas
ZHU Jie1;2;WANG Hong-wei1;Beijing 100083;China;2.State Key Laboratory of Coal Resources and Safe Mining;Beijing 100083;China)
Coupling between gas drainage and spontaneous combustion about close distance coal seams in U+Ⅱ type workface
CHU Ting-xiang1;2;YU Ming-gao1;YANG Sheng-qiang3;XU Quan3;MENG Die1;JIA Hai-lin1
Experimental and numerical study on pressure field of free and submerged swirling air jets
WANG Ling 1;ZHANG Jing-song2
Practice of rockburst dynamic prevention in deep high-stress concentration district
LU Cai-ping1;2;LIU Hai-shun3;LIU Biao1;FAN Jun1
Research on evaluation indices for impact tendency and danger of coal seam
PAN Yi-shan;GENG Lin;LI Zhong-hua
Application of high toughness fibers concrete in deep soft rock roadway
BI Yuan-zhi1;KONG Yi-fan2;CAI Dong-hong2;YANG Yao-wen2;XIA Bi-pei2