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Journal of China Coal Society
2010 Issue 1
Human thermal comfort for mine environment
WANG Shu-gang1;XU Zhe1;ZHANG Teng-fei1;LIANG Yun-tao2
Acoustic emission characteristics of water-saturated coals in uniaxial compression experiment
TANG Shu-heng;YAN Zhi-feng;ZHU Bao-cun;ZHANG Song-hang;ZHANG Jia-zan
Creep property experiment and constitutive relation of salt-mudstone interlayer
TANG Ming-ming1;WANG Zhi-yin1;DING Guo-sheng2;RAN Li-na2
Mechanical characteristic of steel fibre concrete arc shaft wall structure
CAI Hai-bing1;2;YAO Zhi-shu1;RONG Chuan-xin1
Evaluation method of miners’safety behavior based on gray-fuzzy-improving momentum BP algorithm
CHENG Wei-min;ZHOU Gang;WANG Gang;WU Li-rong;QI Yu-dong
Absorbing boundary conditions of arbitrarily wide-angle acoustic equations reverse-time migration
HE Bing-shou1;ZHANG Hui-xing1;ZHANG Jian-jun2
Advanced treatment of coal tar wastewater and mechanism by fluid three-dimensional electrode reactor
WANG Wan-peng;ZHOU Ji-ti;ZHANG Jin-song
Simulation analysis on nitrogen pollutants formation in combustion area of entrained-flow pulverized coal gasifier
YUAN Shuai;DAI Zheng-hua;LIANG Qin-feng;WANG Fu-chen
Exerpriment studies on NO reduction by coal co-with poplar reburning
XIONG Zhi-bo;NIU Sheng-li;GAO Pan;HAN Kui-hua;ZHEN Tian-lei;LU Chun-mei
Analysis of coal and gangue acoustic signals based on Hilbert-Huang transformation
ZHANG Yan-li;ZHANG Shou-xiang
Life cycle analysis of electric vehicle charged by advanced technologies coal-power in future China
OU Xun-min1;2;3;ZHANG Xi-liang2;3;4;QIN Yi-ning2;3;4;QI Tian-yu2;3;4
Life cycle analysis of coal-based ammonia fuel for vehicular application
ZHANG Wei1;AN En-ke2
Reseach on the building electromagnetic wave absorber mixing high-iron fly ash
HUANG Yu-bin1;QIAN Jue-shi2;ZHANG Jian-ye2
Effect of flux on the melting characteristics of coal ash for the Liuqiao No.2 Coal Mine
LI Ji-bing1;2;SHEN Ben-xian1;ZHAO Ji-gang1;WANG Ji-ming1
Analysis and practice of detection method on hydraulic powered support leak failures
ZHANG Shou-bao1;XIE Sheng-rong2;HE Fu-lian1;Beijing 100083;China;2.School of Civil and Environmental Engineering;University of Science & Technology Beijing;Beijing 100083;China)
Study of indentation resistance of conveyor belt
YANG Cai-hong1;MAO Jun2;LI Chun-lin1
Dynamic thermophysical properties and transient temperature field of rubber wheel of roller guide shoe
QU Chao;ZHU Zhen-cai;CHEN Guo-an;PENG Yu-xing;XU Lei
Transient characteristics of single-phase to earth leakage
WANG Qing-liang
Experiment on rock-mass deformation of large scale 3D-simulation in complex environment
LAI Xing-ping1;2;WU Yong-ping1;2;CAO Jian-tao1;2;FAN Yong-ning1;3;ZHANG Yan-li1;2;CUI Feng1;2
The wall-rock’s stress releasing regularity arose by cavern excavation in the high stress condition
YANG Shu-xin1;2;LI Hong2;BAI Ming-zhou1;XU Zhao-yi1
Experimental of water evaporation on the mine surface in natural environment
CONG Xiao-chun1;LIU Xue-mei2;ZHAN Shui-fen3
Effect of sodium dodecyl sulfate on formation rate of coal mine gas hydrate
ZHANG Bao-yong;WU Qiang
The methane distribution law of closed fire zone when pumping inert gas
DUAN Yu-long1;ZHOU Xin-quan1;DING Xiao-lei1;GONG Wu1;CHEN Chen1;REN Yan-li2;Beijing 100083;China;2.Information Command Center;Anyang Iron & Steel Group Co.;Ltd.;Anyang 455004;China)
The testing of gas drainage efficiency about feather-veined 1000 m length-drillhole
WANG Zhao-feng1;TIAN Fu-chao1;ZHAO Bin2;CHEN Xiang-jun1;YU Bao-zhong1
The causes and lessons of "2·22" gas explosion disaster at Tunlan Coal Mine
SUN Ji-ping;Beijing 100083;China)
Numerical simulation of zonal distrigation of surrounding rock mass in deep mine roadways
GAO Fu-qiang;KANG Hong-pu;LIN Jian
Mechanism of strong strata behaviors during the working face out of the upper dip coal pillar in contiguous seams
JU Jin-feng1;2;XU Jia-lin1;2;ZHU Wei-bing1;2;WANG Xiao-zhen1;2
Study on overburden aquclude and water protection mining regionazation in the ecological fragile mining area
WANG Shuang-ming1;2;HUANG Qing-xiang1;FAN Li-min3;YANG Ze-yuan4;SHEN Tao3
Study on waste-filling method and technology in fully-mechanized coal mining
MIAO Xie-xing1;2;ZHANG Ji-xiong1;3;GUO Guang-li1
Modeling coalmine virtual environment architecture based on Multi-agent
CAI Lin-qin;LUO Zhi-yong;WANG Ting;WANG Ping
The calculation method for protective structure against rockfall based on orthogonal test and kinematics
YU Huai-chang1;2;YU Hong-ming2;LIU Han-dong1;LU Xue-song2
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