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Journal of China Coal Society
2007 Issue 4
mei tan xue bao zheng gao jian ze
zong he xin xi
zhong yao qi shi
Effect of quenching temperature in zero time holding on microstructure and properties of 25MnV steel
LI An-ming;HUANG Li-juan;WANG Xiang-jie
Study on modified fly-ash for composite NOx adsorbent
WANG Yan-lei;LI Jian;JI Hong;LI Yi-li;LIANG Wen-jun;JIN Yu-quan
The study of flocculating coal slime water using Aspergillus sojae
WU Xue-feng;ZHANG Dong-chen;JIANG Shao-tong
Simulation of the milling process using a vertical roller mill
KUANG Ya-li;CHEN Qing-ru;A.J.Lynch;WANG Hai-feng;ZHANG Jun;LI Yun-hong;ZHUO Jin-wu
Experimental study on electro-jet instability of coal water slurry
ZHENG Jie-qing;ZHANG Jun;LUO Ti-qian;Liu Xin-ai;PAN Yi
Emission characteristics of chlorine in the process of coal and WP co-pyrolysising and exploring on its mechanism
LI Zhen;LIU Ze-chang;ZHAO Ying;SHI Yu-miao;ZHAO Shi-hua
Predict gas emissing quantity of mining coal face with improved Grey Markov model
TAO Yun-qi;XU Jiang;LI Shu-chun
Forecast of the gas effused from the face in protective seam
DAI Guang-long;WANG You-qing;ZHANG Chun-ru;LI Qing-ming;SHAO Guang-yin
Testing research of improving mine gas drainage under suction by controlling blasting to cause crack
YU Yong-qiang;YANG Xiao-lin;LIANG Wei-min;WANG Jin-xing
Analysis of blasting mechanism for deep rock tunneling and blasting parameters design
WANG Han-jun;YANG Ren-shu;LI Qing
Study on the characteristics of water-conducting in the coalfilelds of North China
YANG Wu-yang;WANG Wen-xiang;ZHI Jian-shui;XU Tong-feng;WANG Han-guo
Content and distribution of fluorine in rock, clay and water in fluorosis area Zhaotong, Yunnan Province
LUO Kun-li;LI Hui-jie;FENG Fu-jian;CHEN Tong-bin;XIONG Ming-hai;WANG Wei-zhong;LIAO Xiao-yong;LI Wei;WANG Li-hua
PFC2D model for mesostructure of inhomogeneous geomaterial based on digital image processing
XU Wen-jie;HU Rui-lin;WANG Yan-ping
The improved Lippmann's translatory model of coal bumps
ZHU Jie;JIANG Yao-dong;ZHAO Yi-xin;SUN Lei;QIN Wei;LI Yu-tao
Repetitive mining subsidence with thick soil layers and steep seam
GAO Ming-zhong;YU Zhong-lin
Post-buckling behavior for roof strata in shallow seam longwall mining
YANG Zhi-lin;YU Xue-yi
Adsorption properties of fly ash towards bivalent metal ions
ZHOU Li-min;LIU Zhi-rong;HUANG Qun-wu
Minerals in feed coal and their contribution to high-alumina fly ash in the Jungar Power Plant
SHAO Long-yi;CHEN Jiang-feng;SHI Yu-zhen;LU Jing
TOPSIS method for evaluation on mine ventilation system
WU Li-yun;YANG Yu-zhong;ZHANG Qiang
A model for enhanced coalbed methane and CO2 sequestration with multilateral wells
XI Chang-feng;WU Xiao-dong;WANG Xin-hai