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Journal of China Coal Society
2006 Issue 5
Tectonic control on gas geological hazard in Ludian gliding structure
WANG Zhi-rong;LANG Dong-sheng;LIU Shi-jun;CHENG Cong-ren;CHEN Ling-xia
Experimental on acoustic emission during compression rupture procedure of coal sample
YANG Yong-jie;CHEN Shao-jie;HAN Guo-dong
Experiment study on the moisture and heat transfer of soft rock material under the condition of freezing and thawing
YANG Geng-she;ZHOU Chun-hua;TIAN Ying-guo;HOU Zhong-jie
Numerical analysis of re-initiation phenomenon induced by shock reflection
WANG Chang-jian;XU Sheng-li
Application of GPS triple-frequency data in detection and repair of cycle slip and gross error
LIU Xu-chun;WU Yue;ZHANG Zheng-lu;MENG Yang
Relation between dust wettability characteristic and fractional dimension
XI Zhi-lin;WANG De-ming;MA Han-peng;LU Wei
Predicting coal and gas outburst with monitored gas consistence
QIN Ru-xiang;ZHANG Guo-shu;YANG Ying-di
Experiment study on controlling gas explosion by water-depressant
CHEN Xiao-kun;LIN Ying;LUO Zhen-min;DENG Jun
The preliminary research on coal-bed gas degradation by microorganism
CHEN Dong-ke;WANG Lu;JIN Long-zhe;XIA Chun-gu;ZHANG Jian
Test and application of air curtain in mine
WANG Hai-ning;ZHANG Hong-ying
Mechanism analysis of water inrush in Daxing coal mine
ZHAO Su-qi;WU Qiang;YIN Shang-xian
Floor water irruption prediction based on information fusion
LI Li;CHENG Jiu-long
Numerical simulation of flow field in the DSM heavy medium cyclone
LIU Feng;QIAN Ai-jun;GUO Xiu-jun
Photo-initiation synthesis and flocculation property of cationic PAM flocculant
NIE Rong-chun;JIA Rong-xian;XU Chu-yang;WANG Jie
Study on the size character of fly ash in coal-fired power plant
XUE Xing-hua;WANG Yun-quan;XIAO Chen-sheng;ZHOU Shui-liang
Thermogravimetric study on pyrolysis performance and mechanism of coal residue
RAN Jing-yu;NIU Ben;ZHANG Li;PU Ge;TANG Qiang
Trial study on catalytic pyrolysis gasification of fresh biomass to produce hydrogen rich gas
MIN Fan-fei;ZHANG Ming-xu;CHEN Qing-ru;CHEN Ming-qiang
Study on activity evaluation of thermal treated gangue
LI Hua-jian;SUN Heng-hu;TIE Xu-chu;XIAO Xue-jun
Study on the stability of caking index sample for bituminous coal
SUN Gang;FANG Quan-guo;LI Ying-hua
Study of low speed & heavy-duty gear box fault diagnosis based on wavelet packet analysis and homomorphic filtering
LENG Jun-fa;JING Shuang-xi;CHEN Dong-hai;WU Zhong-qing
Optimal state feedback control of brushless direct-current motor drive system
WANG Lei;CAI Ji-ling;JIANG Jing-ping;WANG Yang
Online fault early warning for hydraulic pump based on support vector machine
DU Jing-yi;HOU Yuan-bin