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Coal Chemical Industry
2010 Issue 5
Preparation of Lignite-based Reactive Coke and Study on its Adsorption of Coking Effluent
Zhang Xuhui;Miao Wenhua;Bai Zhonghua;Zhang Heng
xin xi dong tai
Study on the Complexation-extraction Process of Acetic Acid Dilute Solution
Cheng Shouyun;Huang Wei
Study on the Grain Size Distribution of the Coking Coal
Zhang Xuehong;Xiang Ru;Xue Gaifeng
The Operational Problems Occurred in the 360kt/a Methanol Plant and their Remedies
Wang Lei;Feng Zhongtian;Ma Chuanlong
The Measures and Effect of Reducing the Resistance of the Coking Regenerator
Zhang Baoli;Zhang Huaqiang;Han Kuang;Zhang Jianhui;Huo Li;Lu Wei
Gas Purification Process Affecting Ammonium Sulfate Yield
Jiao Dongxiong
Localization of the Ammonia Removal/Purification Technology for the Anhydrous Ammonia in the Coke Oven Gas
Wang Qingtao;Ding Xinyue;Yang Daqing;Liu Wenfang;Zhang Hongtao
Improvement of the Control System of the CDQ Rotary Tank
Su Yanbin;Li Dongfeng;Chen Xin;Xu Jin;Hu Cheng
Optimization Practice of the Coke-oven Gas Purification System
Hai Quansheng;Li Wanzhong;Wang Xianping
Optimization of the Dry Desulfurization Process of the Coke Oven Gas
Zhu Benqi;Huang Changsheng;Wang Gaofeng;Tang Haitao;Pei Xueguo