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Wool Textile Journal
2003 Issue 1
Developing wool oil sprayer on domestic gilling machine and improving on its system
zuo feng jiu ; wang jiu xue ; tang jing chun ; fang han fu ; song li qin ; liu pei lin ; sun qing jun ; feng wen hui
Application of BEN-TRONIC section warping machine
zhu hua jun
Alpaca fiber and the development of its production
fan yao ming
Formation of the defects tie backs on worsted fabrics
ye shu xin
Development of stretch and washable worsted fabric
chen min
Analyzing the crimp of light weight worsted fabric
zhang xin long ; chen ya jian ; yang zi zhi ; bai wei yi
Development of the stretch finished worsted wool fabric
li yu mei ; zhao min ; li li ying ; zhao mei jun
Research of portion-size synthesis and its characteristics
zhang shang yong ; yang zhuo hong ; lin wei ; ding mao lin
Crease-resistant finish of cotton-cashmere blends with BTCA
niu jia zuo ; yao jin bo
Influence of scale stripping process on wool static behavior
he tian hong ; yao jin bo
Surfactant synergistic effect and dyeing of wool with disperse dyes
chen sheng hui ; li su yue ; liu hua li
Cable-spun technology
he chun quan
Affection of wool crimp to property of processing yarns and clothes
chen xi yong ; ping jian ming
Modifying of wool fiber by stretching
zhu ming hui ; lin lin ; shen zuo qing
Application and development strategy of the new type of textile fiber
jia li xia ; liu jun mei ; zhao qi ming
Artificial neural networks model on predicting domestic-top qualities in processing
liu cui xia ; zhang yi xin ; he xing shi ; li wei
Research on drawing processing of wool yarn
zhong zhi li ; hua jun kai ; li ji qun