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Journal of Liuzhou Teachers College
2015 Issue 1
On the Construction of the“Filed”in Ethnography
ZHU Qing;
On Qin Si’s Artistic Creation of Gui Ju Opera
ZHU Jiangyong;
The Research on the Word“Ju(巨)”
A Research on Translation Practice Based on the Relevance Theory
NING Min;,OUYANG Jinping;,XUE Wen;
An Analysis of the Content of Socialist Core Values
LI Hao;
On Chinese Factors in Indonesia Economic Development
XIE Zeya;
The Teaching Exploration and Reform of J2EE Course Based on SSH Framework
RUAN Shen;,HUAN Nianmeng;
Badar Data Snooping Based on Standardized Residual
OU Long;
An Analysis of Dam-break Flood in Liuzhou Lada Reservoir
WANG Daqing;
A Probe into Education of Environmental Protection in Junior Chemistry Teaching
LIN Liyun;,LIAO Zhengda;