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Chinese Journal of Quantum Electronics
2016 Issue 4
Phase measurement algorithm based on double time domain Fourier transform
LIU Shengde;,Lv Xiaoxu;,ZHONG Liyun;,HUANG Weinan;,WANG Yan;,CHEN Yubing;
Lensless single pixel imaging based on LCD
FAN Xiaohang;,TIAN Yongzhi;,HAN Jianhui;,LIANG Erjun;
A multi-scale far infrared night traffic pedestrian recognition scheme
LI Jingfu;,YANG Zhiqiang;
An image steganography based on Karhunen-Loeve transform optimization pattern
WANG Mei;,MU Jiong;,YIN Xiang;
Application of full-field optical coherence tomography for cell imaging
HU Bin;,JIANG Xingfang;,SHI Xiaohao;,LIU Lei;,DENG Linhong;
A novel high power dual-wavelength self-similar parabolic pulse laser
LIU Weici;,LIANG Ruisheng;,WANG Faqiang;
First-order spatial coherence of ultracold Bose gas above phase transition temperature
SUN Chao;,WANG Bing;,ZHU Qiang;,XIONG Dezhi;
Influence of Josephson mixer equivalent circuit parameters on three-wave mixing intensity
LI Xiang;,WU Dewei;,MIAO Qiang;,YANG Chunyan;,WANG Xi;
Unitary transformation matrix and logic circuits of 3-puzzle quantum computing
XU Jingming;,RUAN Yue;
Manipulation of superconducting qubits system based on deviation Lyapunov method
YANG Xin;,HU Juju;,JI Yinghua;
Noise perturbation analysis of self-similar parabolic pulse
LIU Weici;,LIANG Ruisheng;,WANG Faqiang;
Morphology characteristics of several metallic structural materials under laser shock
DING Li;,KANG Xueliang;,WANG Shengbo;,LI Hua;,DOU Xian'an;
Optical film design in spectrum monitoring of intelligent plant factory
SHAO Huanhuan;,YAO Peijun;,XU Lixin;,LIU Wen;