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Chinese Journal of Quantum Electronics
2016 Issue 1
Wavefront reconstruction of aspherical surface
YANG Ke;FU Dongming;ZHANG Jinping;ZHENG Liehua;Shanghai Institute of Technical Physics;Chinese Academy of Sciences;
A criterion for convergence of ghost imaging
ZHANG Minghui;SONG Zhiping;School of Physics and Material Science;Anhui University;
Research of objective assessment method for defogged image quality
LIU Haibo;TANG Qunfang;YANG Jie;Key Laboratory of Fiber Optic Sensing Technology and Information Processing;Ministry of Education;Wuhan University of Technology;School of Electrical and Information Engineering;Hunan Institute of Technology;Key Laboratory of Signal and Information Processing;Hunan Institute of Technology;
Image fusion algorithm based on patch-based directional wavelets
GU Sisi;SONG Mei;Department of Computer and Communication Engineering;Hunan University of Science and Engineering;
Quantum proxy blind signature based on W state
WANG Hui;SHI Runhua;ZHONG Hong;CUI Jie;ZHANG Shun;WANG Kaiting;School of Computer Science and Technology;Anhui University;
Intercept-resent eavesdropping in polarization-drift quantum cryptography
ZHANG Zhiyong;WANG Yanbo;HE Min;WANG Jian;PLA University of Science and Technology;
Design and simulation of quantum circuits of B92 QKD protocol
CHEN Shi;LV Hongjun;XIE Guangjun;School of Electronic Science and Applied Physics;Hefei University of Technology;
Five order MCK chaotic circuit based on memristor
OU Qingli;XU Linbo;GUO Ziye;LI ya;School of Information and Electrical Engineering;Hunan University of Science and Technology;
Nonlinear optical properties and molecule design of camphor type acetylacetone Pt complexes
Huhemandula;HU Wentao;YANG Hongtao;JI Wenhui;LI Li;Department of Physics;Jining Normal University;College of Physics and Electronic Information;Hulunbuir University;
Incoherently coupled bright-dark soliton family supported by combined action of linear and quadratic electro-optic effects
SU Yanli;JIANG Qichang;JI Xuanmang;Department of Physics and Electronic Engineering;Yuncheng University;
Measurement of fluid-velocity profile and flow rate in rectangular duct based on laser-diode self-mixing effect
LU Anli;LIU Jianguo;GUI Huaqiao;SUN Wu;CHENG Yin;YU Tongzhu;Key Laboratory of Environmental Optics and Technology;Anhui Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanics;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Anhui Key Laboratory of Environmental Optics and Technology;
Constant temperature control system design of single photon detector SPAD
QI Shaoshuai;ZHANG Tianshu;FU Yibin;WANG Huanxue;LV Lihui;Key Laboratory of Environment Optics and Technology;Anhui Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanics;Chinese Academy of Sciences;
Rate constants of electron attachment to brominated methanes measured by corona discharge ion mobility spectrometry
XU Beibei;NIU Wenqi;GAO Hui;HONG Yan;SHEN Chengyin;WANG Hongmei;HUANG Chaoquan;JIANG Haihe;CHU Yannan;Laboratory of Medical Optical and Mass Spectrometry;Center of Medical Physics and Technology;Hefei Institutes of Physical Science;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Anhui Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanics;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Anhui Agricultural University;
Simultaneous quantitative analysis algorithm for multi-component OP-FTIR under environment disturbances
LI Dacheng;LAN Tiange;CUI Fangxiao;LUO Jing;Anhui Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanics;Chinese Academy of Sciences;East China Research Institute of Electronic Engineering;
Simulation of lidar ratios and Angstrom exponents of different aerosols
SONG Yuehui;SHI Lili;LU Leilei;LI Shichun;XIN Wenhui;YAN Qing;HUA Dengxin;School of Mechanical and Precision Instrument Engineering;Xi’an University of Technology;
Influence of phonon dispersion on average optical phonon number of weak-coupling polaron in a parabolic quantum dot
YANG Hongtao;JI Wenhui;FENG Youliang;HU Wentao;Department of Physics;Jining Normal University;
Layout of ground stations for CBERS-4 remote-sensing satellite
WANG Weijia;ZHANG Wenyi;MA Guangbin;Institute of Remote Sensing and Digital Earth;Chinese Academy of Sciences;College of Resources and Environment;University of Chinese Academy of Sciences;
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