Experimental and theoretical progress of hydrogen clusters
ZHANG Qiang;CAO Mao-qi;LI Yu-quan;SHAN Xiao-bin;LIU Fu-yi;SHENG Liu-si;WANG Zhen-ya;National Synchrotron Radiation Laboratory;School of Nuclear Science and Technology;University of Science and Technology of China;Laboratory of Atmospheric Physics-Chemistry;Anhui Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanics;Chinese Academy of Sciences;
Digital driving system for acousto-optic modulators in cold atom interferometer
WANG Xin-ran;LI Yi-min;TU Juan;XIONG Zong-yuan;WANG Jin;ZHAN Ming-sheng;State Key Laboratory of Magnetic Resonance and Atomic and Molecular Physics;Wuhan Institute of Physics and Mathematics;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Center for Cold Atom Physics;Chinese Academy of Sciences;University of Chinese Academy of Sciences;
Electronic design of a high-stable low-drift diode laser driver
ZENG Li-zhong;LU Yi-huai;KAN Rui-feng;WANG Yu;YAO Lu;XU Zhen-yu;RUAN Jun;YUAN Song;ZHANG Le;College of Engineering & Information Technology;University of Chinese Academy of Sciences;Anhui Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanics;Chinese Academy of Sciences;