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Chinese Journal of Quantum Electronics
2012 Issue 6
Author Index
Ridge extraction based on " image" segmentation
CHEN Yun-gu;SU Ben-yue
Experimental research on saturation characteristics of silicon p-i-n photodiode induced by femtosecond laser
DOU Xian-an~1;SUN Xiao-quan~1;WANG Zuo-lai~2
Two-way quantum teleportation controlled by a third party
ZOU Xin~1;YE Zhi-qing~2
Reseach on fault detection,location and self-repairing of quantum logic circuits
ZHANG Pei-xi;WANG You-ren;CHEN Yan
Disentanglement of coupled qubits
FENG Bin-bin~1;ZOU Xiong~1;JI Ying-hua~
Model of quantum entanglement signaling transmission damage and its repairing strategy
REN Juan~1;NIE Min~1 LIU Xiao-hui~
Mutual inductance’s influence on flux qubits decoherence under super-Ohm thermal reservoir environment
ZOU Xiong~1;FENG Bin-bin~1;JI Ying-hua~
Thermal escape and macroscopic quantum tunneling from metastable state in three-junction flux qubit
SHI Qiang;YAN Ke-zhu;WANG Xiao-li LIU Zhi-quan
An exact algebraic solution of Jaynes-Cummings model
HE Rui
Band gaps in two-dimensional photonic crystals with composite square-lattices of dielectric columns
PU Rong-qiang~1;YU Hong-ying~1;SHEN Lin-fang~2
Interaction of self-Fourier optical solitons
YIN De-jing
Influence of amplifier noise on optical soliton in dispersion-managed system
LU Xun;WANG Dong-sheng
Experimental investigation of diamond-like carbon films deposited by pulsed laser deposition
LUO Le~1;ZHAO Du-liang~1;CHU Ya-qiong~1; WANG Yi~1;MA Yue~2;TAO Ru-hua~2
Alignment technology using matched filter correlation in projection lithography
LEI Liang;LI Lang-lin;ZHOU Jin-yun;WANG Qu
Handover algorithm of quantum mobile communication based on entanglement degree computing in the same cell
WANG Zhi~1;NIE Min~1;LIU Xiao-hui~ (1 School of Communication and Information Engineering;Xi’an University of Post and Telecommunication;Xi’an 710061;China; 2 State Key Laboratory of Integreted Services Networks;Xidian University;Xi’an 710071;China