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Chinese Journal of Quantum Electronics
2012 Issue 3
Hanle effect of 6s2 1S0-6s6p3P1 transition of barium atom
YU Geng-hua;ZHONG Jia-qi;WANG Jin;ZHAN Ming-sheng
Quick access method and realization of high resolution CCD compressed video
CHEN Su-ting;ZHANG Yan
New multi-order envelope periodic solutions to cubic nonlinear Schr(o)dinger equation
XIAO Ya-feng;XUE Hai-li;ZHANG Hong-qing
A new algebra method for constructing exact solutions of nonlinear evolution equations
QIU Chun;DIAO Ming-jun;XU Lan-lan;YUE Shu-bo;ZHAO Jing
Intensity noise of erbium doped fiber laser at low frequency suppression through optoelectronic feedback
ZHANG Fei;ZHU Jun;WANG Hui;YANG Ke;MA Liang-chuan;YU Ben-li
A better scheme of probabilistic teleportation of a triplet W state
SHUI Tian;ZHA Xin-wei;WANG Dong;LI Ning
Study of all-solid-state 1.3 μm gain-switched laser
XUE Jun-wen;PEI Xue-dan;SU Bing-hua;ZHAO Hui-yuan;SUN Lu
Development of fiber-type widely tunable DFG mid-infrared laser source
LI Xiu-li;FENG Su-juan;MAO Qing-he
Identification and reduction of effective dimensions of quantum systems
Quantum discord dynamics of non-coupled two-qubit system interacting with reservoirs
WANG Xiao-yun;DING Bang-fu;ZHAO He-ping
Transverse mode competition and signal to noise ratio in few-mode fiber amplifiers
LIU Qing;WEI An-kun;ZHENG Rui;WANG An-ting;XU Li-xin;MING Hai
Cylindrical spreading of KDP single crystal by method of vaporization
XU Jun;WANG Yan;PANG Wan-wen;LIU Zhi-kun;BAI Li-hua;ZHANG Hui-fang
Hermite-elliptical Gaussian spatial optical soliton in strongly nonlocal media
WANG Qing;WANG Xing-hua;LI Dong-bo;LIU Meng-lian;LUO Xing-long
Decanethiol-modified Au/Ag SERS substrates for detection of polychlorinated biphenyl-77
ZHANG Yuan-yun;ZHANG Xing-fang;CAO Jie;MAO Qing-he
Internal excited state of impurity polaron in quantum rods
BAI Xu-fang;WANG Dong-min;XIAO Jing-lin
Design of harmonic oscillator for MOEMSthree-component acceleration seismic geophone
EN De;FENG Jie-yu;ZHANG Ning-bo
Power control based on best equal SIR in multicell wireless data networks
ZHOU Yuan-yuan;Cheng Ying;ZHA Chang-jun;LIU Jun;LU Shi-bin
zheng gao jian ze
Polarization converter with metal-cladded uniaxial crystal waveguide
LI Zhi-feng;CHEN Jun-xue;LU Yong-hua;MING Hai