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Chinese Journal of Quantum Electronics
2009 Issue 1
Progress of enhanced emission of light-emitting diode using surface plasmons
YAN Jie;WANG Pei;LU Yong-hua;ZHENG Rong-sheng;XIE Zhi-guo;CHEN Junxue;YUAN Guanghui;MING Hai
Basic research of real-time monitoring in radio frequency neurosurgery by near-infrared technology
CHENG Ye-guo;QIAN Zhi-yu;YANG Tian-ming;WU Qi;CAO Qing-hua
Electron transport in dual mesoscopic rings with a stub
ZHAO Zhi-yun
Error modified function of colorimetry of temperature measurement
WU Hai-bin;LIU Chun-hong
Laser frequency locking based on the saturation absorption line of metastable krypton without frequency dither
WU Yi;JIANG Wei;CHENG Cun-feng;SUN Yu;CHENG Guo-sheng;HU Shui-ming
Measurement of spatial beam profile of Ti:sapphire femtosecond laser
LIU Tao;WANG Zhao-bing;ZHANG Xia;ZHAO You-bo;ZHU Xiao-nong
Highly extinctive ultra-short optical pulse generation using phase modulator and intensity modulator
PANG Zao;WANG Hong-chuan;LI Yu-quan;WANG Rong
Research on pulse charging excimer laser power supply
HUANG de-wen;YOU li-bing;LIANG Xu;YU yin-shan
Controlled teleportation of an arbitrary two-qubit superposition state
ZHAN Xiao-gui;ZHANG Deng-yu;GAO Feng;TANG Shi-qing;XIE Li-jun
Security analysis on the Petri-net model of quantum key distribution protocol
ZHANG Sheng;WANG Jian;ZHANG Quan;TANG Chao-jing
Assisted cloning of a class of unknown three-qubit GHZ state
HOU Kui;WANG Jing;YUAN Hao;SHI Shou-hua
Time evolution of two coupling two-level atoms entanglement in a single-mode vacuum field
ZHANG Deng-yu;XIE Li-jun;TANG Shi-qing;ZHAN Xiao-gui;GAO Fing
Quantum effect of mesoscopic distributed parameter circuits
WAN Hua-ming;GU Bang-jun;XU Guo-ding;JI Ying-hua